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Now, don't run off with the idea that this is a bomb-proof job; Fritzie knows all about the supplies that must be brought up, and you can bet your sweet life that he takes a delight in picking off rationing parties, and such-like. Every night our supports were heavily shelled; every road leading to the lines had a battery trained on it and every little while it was swept by shrapnel.

Of course, in the war zone among a strange peasantry there are many spy scares, and maybe some of the things we were suspicious of were quite innocent; but it was strange that whenever a gray horse appeared near a battery that battery was shelled, and when they painted all the gray horses green their positions were not so frequently spotted.

Cole's work as "a very fine piece of patrol work, and called for courage, initiative and cunning of a high degree." Ten days later on the 10th of June the enemy suddenly shelled the "Tuning Fork Switch" trench, and this very gallant young officer was badly wounded in the arm.

Months before he'd been there in a flying saucer. Once again people shelled out hard cash to hear his story. Wherever you are, Mr. P. T. Barnum, you are undoubtedly grinning from ear to ear. But there is a sober side to this apparently comical picture. The common undertone to many of these stories "hot from the lips of a spaceman" is Utopia.

"They know that?" asked Bok. "Oh, yes, but like all our boys they are lying there joking with each other." Bok was taken into what remained of a room in a badly shelled farmhouse, and there, on two roughly constructed cots, lay the two boys. Their faces had been bandaged so that nothing was visible except the eyes of each boy. A candle in a bottle standing on a box gave out the only light.

Lilacs were abloom in every garden, and buttercups made the fields look yellow. The air was misty one could hardly have gone to Poperinghe except in a mist, as it was being so constantly shelled but in the mist the trees had a queer light on them which made the early green look a deeper and stronger colour than I have ever seen it.

At this point I sent a message to the governor-general, in effect that if the batteries did not cease firing the city would be shelled. This had the effect of silencing them. “At 7.35 A. M. I ceased firing and withdrew the squadron for breakfast. “At 11.16 A. M. returned to the attack. By this time the Spanish flag-ship and almost the entire Spanish fleet were in flames.

Our trenches immediately faced this stronghold from the other side of a road at right angles with the Menin road, and our men the New Army boys were shelled day and night, so that many of them were torn to pieces, and others buried alive, and others sent mad by shell-shock. On July 22d the mine was exploded, while our men crouched low, horribly afraid after hours of suspense.

What worlds away is this country with its wonderful cloudless sunshine from the dismal flat lands of the Western Front! Said one enthusiast of ours, "This is a gunner's heaven!" The Austrians fancied, I think, that we had our O.P. in Vertoiba, which is north of S. Andrea, for they shelled this frequently, but S. Andrea seldom.

Stubbard cut short the question; "for the simple reason that it never could have happened. My husband was to direct every gun himself. Is it likely he would have shelled the beach?" "Well, the beach is the proper place for shells; but if I had only known it, wouldn't I have come a few hours earlier?" said Johnny.