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Updated: August 18, 2024

But let them signal for a set-down there let them describe what had happened and they might face death as a plague ship. Wearily he climbed down to the mess cabin to discover Weeks and Ali there before him. They did not look up as he entered. "Old Man's got it," he reported. "Rip?" was Ali's crossing question. "Asleep. He passed out " "What!" Weeks swung around. "Worn out," Dane amended.

'The carpet bein' up does make a difference. Thank you, sir, I will 'ave a set-down. ''Right over the drive now, said Midmore. He opened the window and leaned out. 'Is that wind up the valley, Rhoda? 'No, that's it! But I've seen it before. There was not so much a roar as the purposeful drive of a tide across a jagged reef, which put down every other sound for twenty minutes.

A hard town for "scoffings," was what the hoboes called it at that time. I know that I missed many a meal, in spite of the fact that I could "throw my feet" with the next one when it came to "slamming a gate" for a "poke-out" or a "set-down," or hitting for a "light piece" on the street.

I saw bleached bones and a side-cast skull with whitened horns, poking up into the sky ... I saw a sick steer straggling alone, exactly like some melodramatic painting of Western life ... the kind we see hanging for sale in second-rate art stores. I stuck till Tuscon was reached. There I was all in for lack of food and water.... A woman gave me a good "set-down" at her kitchen table.

They had just finished eating, and I was taken right into the dining room in itself a most unusual happening, for the tramp who is lucky enough to win a set-down usually receives it in the kitchen. A grizzled and gracious Englishman, his matronly wife, and a beautiful young Frenchwoman talked with me while I ate.

But now I've seen it, I'll go home with these bits of paper. I shall be a very important woman to-night. Them two lads won't know how to fleech and flatter me enough. I'll be waited on hand and foot. And Nicholas will get a bit of a set-down. He was bragging about Miss Ethel bringing his invitation to his hand and promising to dance with him. I wouldn't do it if I were Miss Ethel.

He'd looked forward to the trip to the airport as a way of judging public reaction. But apparently the Lobby had no desire to test that. The guards led him up to the roof of the jail, where a rocket was waiting. The landing space was too small for one of the station shuttles, but a little Northport-Southport shuttle was parked there after what must have been a difficult set-down.

So far as he himself was concerned he was disposed to take a humorous view of the things that went wrong and didn't come off with him, but as a "Tremendous Set-Down for the Proud Parent" they resisted humorous treatment.... Now the trouble that he had been hesitating to bring before his father was concerned with that very grave interest of the young, his Object in Life.

One is taken inside, very often is given a chance to wash, and is then "set-down" at a table. Tramps love to throw their legs under a table. The house was large and comfortable, in the midst of spacious grounds and fine trees, and sat well back from the street.

Surprised and shocked at such behavior in a British officer, while he moved away he distinctly heard Barrington laughing aloud, and ridiculing the astonished and set-down air of his impudent associate. This incident did not so much ruffle the temper of Thaddeus as it amazed and perplexed him.

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