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It was something of a set-down when the latter, taking some papers from his breast-pocket, handed them to him, saying: 'Only these! Leonard took them in silence and looked at them. All were requests for payment of debts due by his son. In each case the full bill was enclosed.

I wish that you would try to get the better of it; it is very disadvantageous to you, and very trying to other people!" He takes this severe set-down in silence. The trees that surround the garden are slowly darkening. The shadows that intervene between the round masses of the sycamore-leaves deepen, deepen. A bat flitters dumbly by.

'Well, my dear, he answered, 'look how you worry all the time! If you'd only have what I call a quiet set-down and a chat, without being always on the fidget, always looking either at the glass or at the clock, one might not have that feeling. Her colour rose, and tears came to her eyes. 'Oh, then you are glad when I'm gone! She pouted.

Ali should know " Rip reached for the inter-com mike. "Engines!" "So you are alive?" Ali's voice had a bite in it. "About time you're contacting. Where are we? Besides being lopsided from a recruit's scrambled set-down, I mean." "In the Big Burn. Come top-side. Wait how's Weeks?" "He has a devil's own headache, but he hasn't blacked out yet. Looks like his immunity holds in part.

It matters not where I begin to think; any day of all the days is a day apart, with a record of swift-moving pictures all its own. For instance, I remember a sunny summer morning in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and immediately comes to my mind the auspicious beginning of the day a "set-down" with two maiden ladies, and not in their kitchen, but in their dining room, with them beside me at the table.

"My old woman," said Gabbard, "says that two set-down meals a day in harvest time's as many as she'll stand for. So we have dinner out here in good weather, and to the barn when it rains." The talk was of weather prospects, of probable tonnage to the acre, of the outlook for the corn, of the health and family expectations of the mares and the cows and the pigs.

"No, madam the Church of God; the great cathedral-church of the universe; of which Church I trust the Church of England is a little Jesus-chapel." "God bless you, Mr. Armstrong!" cried the schoolmaster. The colonel likewise showed some sign of emotion. Mrs. Cathcart looked set-down and indignant. Percy stared. Adela and Harry looked at each other.

What in that anonymous piece you call a 'set-down' I call a 'falsehood. You ought to know that I was a party in all public acts and writings, and that I never intend to withdraw from all the responsibility connected therewith. I utterly despise all the creeping, mean assertions of that party when they say they do not include me in their censures, nor do I work for their praise.