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I am not old enough, nor tenacious enough, to pretend not to understand the main purport of your last letter; and to show you that I do, you may draw upon me for two hundred pounds, which, I hope, will more than clear you. Good-night: 'aquam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem': Be neither transported nor depressed by the accidents of life. BLACKHEATH, May 16, 1759

This is the last time of asking; for I know you will soon have exposed your opinions in public more openly than you have yet done, and then it will be too late. At present I hold, with Hudibras, and the ancients, that it is "'More honourable far, servare Civem than slay an adversary."

Such being the case, what can the efforts of philanthropy do for beings whom Providence has rejected? In spite of the most approved authorities, I cannot accept the idea that serf, in Latin servus, was so called from servare, to keep, because the slave was a prisoner of war who was kept for labor.

"Dicat films Albini: si de quincunce remota est uncia, quid superat? poteras dixisse." "triens." "eu! rem poteris servare tuam." This familiar passage may be quoted once more to illustrate the practical nature of the Roman school teaching and the ends which it was to serve.

It never came, however, for Tom chose to disappoint expectations by reading aloud her own translation from her position in front of the fire. "Memento remember; mentem and mind; servare to hold up; aequam your mare; in rebus arduis going up hill. That translation, young ladies, was given by an undergraduate in the University of Oxford.

"Statuimus etiam ut omnis liber homo feodere et sacramento affirmet, quod intra et extra Angliam. Willelmo regi fideles ease volunt, terras et honorem illius omni fidelitate cum eo servare et ante eum contra inimicos defendere." I think the documents I have quoted show that Sir Martin Wright, Sir William Blackstone, and Messrs.

Why, he is a thoughtless boy a spoiled child from the time he was in the nurse's arms he threw his coral and bells at my head for refusing him a bit of sugar; and you have too much sense to mind such a shrewish boy: aequam servare mentem is the motto of our friend Horace. I'll school Hector by and by, and put it all to rights." But Lovel persisted in his design of returning to Fairport.

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem." The girls smiled at this, confident of their powers. The students at Hurst prided themselves on their Latin, and could have stood a much severer test without wavering. The seniors did not trouble to write their answers, but waited complacently until the time came when they should have an opportunity of airing their proficiency.

It is as follows: "Statuimus etiam ut OMNIS LIBER HOMO feodere et sacramento affirmet, quod intra et extra Angliam Willelmo regi fideles esse volunt, terras et honorem illius omni fidelitate cum eo servare et eum contra inimicos defendere." It will be perceived that Mr. Hallam reads LIBER HOMO as "vassal." Mr.

He drank one glass, and said: "Help me to my chair." And settled there before the fire with decanter and glass and hand-bell on the little low table by his side, he murmured: "Bring coffee, and my cigar, in twenty minutes." To-night he would do justice to his wine, not smoking till he had finished. As old Horace said: "Aequam memento rebus in arduis Servare mentem."