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She and Edith had talked over the matter frequently, and had come to the determination to offer Mr. Scragg the two chambers in the third story for fourteen dollars. On Monday morning, Mrs. Darlington was nervous. This was the day on which Mr. Scragg and family were to arrive, and she felt that there would be trouble. Mr. Ring, and the other gentlemen boarders, left soon after breakfast.

The engines and pumps were made by Mr. Albert Scragg, of Congleton, and the brick, stone, and builder's work was executed by Mr. Thomas Kirk. The waterworks were opened in the autumn of 1881, and since then have constantly afforded an abundant supply of water. There is also an independent gravitation system, also arranged by Mr. Blackshaw, for supplying an outlying part of the town.

Our week is up to-day where we are; and, if it is agreeable, we will become your guests to-morrow." "Perfectly agreeable, Mr. Ring." The gentleman bowed politely and retired. Now Mrs. Darlington did not feel very comfortable when she reflected on what she had done. The rooms in the second story were positively engaged to Mr. Scragg, and now one of them was as positively engaged to Mr. Ring.

The widow sighed again. If the man heard this sound, it did not touch a single chord of feeling. "Then it is understood that I am to have your rooms at sixteen dollars?" said he. "Yes, sir. I will take you for that." "Very well. My name is Scragg. We will be ready to come in on Monday next. You can have all prepared for us?" "Yes, sir." Scarcely had Mr.

Ring came and took possession of the room previously engaged to Mr. Scragg. They were pleasant people, and made a good first impression. As day after day glided past, Mrs. Darlington felt more and more uneasy about Mr. Scragg, with whom, she had a decided presentiment, there would be trouble.

I strongly suspect his father was a sea-lion and his mother a grampus or scragg whale, and that he was fished up out of the sea when young by some hardy son of Neptune, and subsequently trained up in the ways of humanity on board a fishing-smack, where the food consisted of polypi, lobsters, and black bread. Yet there was something wonderfully genial about this old pilot.

Darlington "will you be kind enough to inform the lady and gentleman who now occupy one of our rooms" "Mr. Scragg!" said Mrs. Darlington, in whose fainting heart his outrageous conduct had awakened something of the right spirit "Mr. Scragg, I wish you to understand, once for all, that the front room is taken and now occupied, and that you cannot have it." "Madam!"

If any of the following whales, shall hereafter be caught and marked, then he can readily be incorporated into this System, according to his Folio, Octavo, or Duodecimo magnitude: The Bottle-Nose Whale; the Junk Whale; the Pudding-Headed Whale; the Cape Whale; the Leading Whale; the Cannon Whale; the Scragg Whale; the Coppered Whale; the Elephant Whale; the Iceberg Whale; the Quog Whale; the Blue Whale; &c.

The face of Mr. Scragg she remembered very well. It was a hard, sinister face, just such a one as we rarely forget because of the disagreeable impression it makes. As it came up distinctly before the eyes of her mind, she was oppressed with a sense of coming trouble. Nor did she feel altogether satisfied with what she had done satisfied in her own conscience. On the next morning, Mr. and Mrs.

Scragg sat with her lips closely compressed and her head partly turned away, so as to keep her eyes out of the line of vision with Mrs. Grimes's face; while Mrs. Grimes gave an occasional glance of contempt towards the lady with whom she had had a "tiff."