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The natural and barbarous state of man is that where the human animal satisfies its cravings without any thought of consequences. The cultivated state is that where humanity has ceased to be merely animal, and considers the consequences first and the cravings afterwards.

Music stimulates and satisfies the mind in any of its whims, and you can tune it to a softly chanted prayer, or to a dance orgy; to a hymn of exultation, or a tinkling serenade; a kindergarten song, to the bloodthirst of armies; to voluptuous desires that cannot or dare not be worded, or to raptures distilled of every human dross; to cynical raillery, or the very throb of a young lover's heart; to the hilarity of a drinking song, or the midnight elegies of ineffable despair.

"How am I to comfort a mother whose eldest and only son has thrown all prudence to the wind; who has disgraced himself so far as to stand in a felon's dock; who has wantonly laid his life bare and waste for what?" A strange smile came over the young face. "Ah! for what! I know; no one else does. There is a reward, and it satisfies me." "If ever a Carruthers went mad," said Mr.

I do not presume to quarrel with Paul's procedure. If it satisfied him, that was his affair; and, if it satisfies any one else, I am not called upon to dispute the right of that person to be satisfied.

And Pater's Marius entirely satisfies this demand for those to whom such a pilgrimage of the soul will alone appeal.

"How do I know?" he retorted abruptly, and stopping to look back over his shoulder. "I say to you, at least you are English. How do you know?" "By what I have been told from infancy." "Ah! I know of myself that way." "And," added Vendale, pursuing the thought that he could not drive back, "by my earliest recollections." "I also. I know of myself that way if that way satisfies."

Again, listen to any half-dozen of your friends discussing the places they have visited, or intend visiting, comparing notes about the counties, towns, churches, castles, scenery all that draws them and satisfies their nature, and the chances are that they will not even mention Wiltshire.

But the fact remains that it is done and that a part of it must be undone." "Your sense of justice does credit to a great noble like yourself. Worldly reparation you may make, but you have wounded his heart and soul beyond all earthly reparation." "The worldly reparation quite satisfies me," replied the marquis, fumbling with his lips. "As I observed, sentiment is out of the question.

"That proves that he hired him, too, I should think," said Bessie. "It seems to, certainly, but I'm afraid it isn't legal proof, even though it satisfies us. But the chief point is that Mr. Jamieson is worried about you two when you have to testify." "Why, there couldn't be anything they could do to us then, I should think!" exclaimed Dolly. "I hope not," said Miss Mercer.

"Stand off from her, you fearful woman. Here shall you never prevail! Tell me, Elsa," he bends over her tearful face, "tell me that she tried vainly to drop her venom into your heart?" Elsa hides her face against his breast without answering. But the gesture with its implied confidence satisfies him; the tears increase his protecting tenderness.