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Updated: August 12, 2024

"There is no possible hope for him," he acknowledged. "The gown fits very nicely, too." "Chloe did it she cut it off, and sewed on the doodads " "The what?" "The ruffly things." Myra Nell sighed. "It's hard to make a dressmaker out of a cook.

When you are satisfied that it is as dry as you can make it, lay it out on a folded sheet on the floor, in some room not much used, and pull and arrange it into its original shape and size. Anything made of Germantown wool stretches terribly, but you can arrange it as it ought to be. It will look ruffly here and there and ridgy all over, but when it is dry it will shrink down all right.

"Was you pooty sick aboard the boat?" "Not at all." "That's curous! Women 'most alluz is, 'specially wen it's so ruffly as it is to-day. Was bubby sick any?" "No." "Wa-al, that's very fortnit, for I don't blieve he'll be sick wen he grows up an' goes walin'. It's pooty tryin', the fust two or three weeks out, ginerally. How young is he a-goin' to begin?" "I do not think he will ever go to sea."

Mebbe he'll be a lawyer or president some day, ain't, Ma?" "Ach, Martin, I don't think that would be so much. I'd rather have my children just plain, common people like we are. Mart's gone up to Reists' this evening." "So? To see Amanda, I guess." "Her or that boarder from Lancaster." "That ruffly girl we saw this morning?" "Yes." "Ach, don't you worry, Ma.

When I'm old enough to earn money, I'm going to have a dress like this leaf, all ruby color thin, you know, with a sweeping train and ruffly, curly edges; then I think I'll have a brown sash like the trunk of the tree, and where could I be green? Do they have green petticoats, I wonder?

Billy looked down at the big, blue bow and at the soft, blue ruffly stuff on her shoulders stuff that was just thin enough so that one caught elusive suggestions of the soft, pinky flesh beneath and wondered vaguely why he had never noticed the beating in his throat before and what would happen if he reached around and tilted back her chin and "Thunder!

But Mary Alice had some sewing to do something like taking the ugly, ruffly sleeves of cheap white lace out of her blue taffeta dress and substituting plain dark ones of net dyed to match the silk; and she was glad to stay at home. "If an elderly gentleman comes in to call on me, late in the afternoon but before I get back home," said Godmother, in departing, "ask him in and be nice to him.

No one was in the left-hand room, no one was in the right; only there was a sign of occupancy: a peach-coloured silk bag hung on the back of a chair and the lacy corner of a handkerchief stood up in its ruffly throat. The bag, the handkerchief, brought her courage back. They looked like a substantial Esther of useless graces she had to fight.

"Poor dear, of course you do. I'll tell you what to do. I've got a nice big bathroom in there. Go in and take a cold one." Then "You've grown inches, Rush, since you went away but I believe you could still get into a suit of my pajamas plain ones, not ruffly. Anyhow, I've another big bathrobe like this that you could roll up in. You'll be just in time for the coffee.

They have such an air of dainty gaiety, very different from Austrian or German or French forests; and though their elms and oaks and beeches are often giants, they seem dedicated to the spirit of youth. Their shadows are never black, but only a darker green, or translucent gray; and part of their charm is a nymph-like frivolousness which comes, I think, from their ruffly green dessous.

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