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Updated: August 6, 2024

Verrall's cross-correspondences, which gives a vision, two months and a half before their accomplishment, of the most insignificant actions of a traveller in an hotel bedroom; and many others. Light, 1907, p. 219. The crime was committed in Paris and made a great stir at the time. Lady Burton: The Life of Captain Sir Richd. F. Burton, K.C.M.G., vol.i., p.253.

Some talk to-day of a head of Fanatiques that do appear about Barnett, but I do not believe it. However, my Lord Mayor, Sir Richd. Browne, hath carried himself very honourably, and hath caused one of their meeting-houses in London to be pulled down. 9th. Waked in the morning about six o'clock, by people running up and down in Mr.

Montagu's leaving his things behind him. Fleetwood, Knt., General and Commander in Chief to the Protector Richard, whose sister, Bridget, widow of Ireton, he had married. 25th. At home and the office all the morning. I proposed Magdalene, but cannot name a tutor at present; but I shall think and write about it. Thence with him to the Trinity-house to dinner; where Sir Richd.

In our way home we were in many places strictly examined, more than in the worst of times, there being great fears of the Fanatiques rising again: for the present I do not hear that any of them are taken. 8th. Some talk to-day of a head of Fanatiques that do appear about, but I do not believe it. However, my Lord Mayor, Sir Richd.

Some talk to-day of a head of Fanatiques that do appear about Barnett, but I do not believe it. However, my Lord Mayor, Sir Richd. Browne, hath carried himself very honourably, and hath caused one of their meeting-houses in London to be pulled down. 9th. Waked in the morning about six o'clock, by people running up and down in Mr.

Herbert Mead Mrs. L. Middleton Mr. W. W. Marks Mr. M. MacLehose Mr. Paul Meischer Mr. Alex. McEwen Mias Mills Mr. Robt. J. McClure Sister Eliza Monica Mr. Francis More Mr. A. Bishop Mason Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Nichols, and Child Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Noyes Mr. Jeffreys Owen Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Peyser Hon. F. Petre Mr. Richd. C. Perkins Miss Puleston Mrs.

Grant, who promised to meet me at the Coffee-house to bring me acquainted with Cooper the great limner in little, but they deceived me, and so I went home, and there sat at my lute and singing till almost twelve at night, and so to bed. Sir Richd. Fanshaw is come suddenly from Portugall, but nobody knows what his business is. 3rd.

MACCLESFIELD. GISM. COOPER. CADOGAN. EDWD. PAUNCEFORT. JAMES LAMBORN, Mayor. FRANCIS MASON. THO. PARKER. RICHD. MILES. GEO. LANE PARKER. EDWD. PRASSEY. JOHN FREEMAN. JOHN CLARKE. SAMBROOKE FREEMAN. THOS. HALL. WILLIAM STOCKWOOD, Rectr. Mr. Sharpe received this additional paper from the Duke of Newcastle with directions from His Grace to lay the same before Mr.

In the old office were many faded plantation and household books, and he was able to glean enough from these to confirm the methodical carefulness of Freeman Hynds. There were, too, dry receipts for "monies Paid by Mr. Rich. Hynds" for some old slave; or a brief notice that "By Orders Mr. Richd. Hynds, no Women shall be Whipt"; or "Bought by Mr.

Fitz Simons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouv Morris. DELAWARE. Geo: Read, Gunning Bedford, Jun, John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jaco: Broom. MARYLAND. James McHenry, Dan of St. Thos. Jenifer, Danl Carroll. VIRGINIA. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. NORTH CAROLINA. Wm. Blount, Richd. Dobbs Spaight, Hu Williamson.

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