United States or Moldova ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Dr sir Haveing got 3 months leave of Abscence you are hereby requested to be extra atentive to the Interests of the Dept not haveing me to reffer to in Cases of difeculty or to recieve instructions from me which is not practicacable on account of me being in the other Colonys.

He writes of "her desire to be taught and instructed in the knowledge of God; her capableness of understanding; her aptnesse and willingnesse to recieve anie good impression, and also the spiritual, besides her owne incitements stirring me up hereunto." First she was baptized, receiving the name Rebecca, and then she was married to Rolfe in the flower-decked church at Jamestown.

I therfore returned to my home and ate a nursery supper, and Hannah came in and said: "I'm about out of my mind, Miss Bab. There's trouble coming to this Familey, and it keeps on going to dinners and disregarding all hints." "What sort of trouble?". I asked, in a flutering voice. For if she knew and told I would not recieve the reward, or not solely.

The mountainous regions, it appears, do not recieve the greatest amount of precipitation. The avenge downfall of the Southern States bordering on the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico exceeds the mean of the whole United States, being no less than fifty-one inches, while on the Pacific coast it ranges from fifty to fifty-six inches.

"Thou wilt ever be the same. Recieve then the grateful farewell of a fleeting shadow who is about to disappear, who joyfully leaves thee, yet with a last look of affectionate thankfulness. Farewell! Sky, and fields and woods; the lovely flowers that grow on thee; thy mountains & thy rivers; to the balmy air and the strong wind of the north, to all, a last farewell.

Like the others, however, they were invariably word for word the same, and were couched in the following terms: "MR. DUNKIN "SIR I have Recieved thee Sum of Three Dolers an a half from Your hans an I Recieve thee same with Joy an Grattetude. "Yours respecfull "THOMAS WHEATLEY." I said his applications for money were always granted.

Fashioned by his fat, white hand, these words sprawled themselves upon the blackboard: The best speller in this room is to recieve this medal. There was silence. Then the Second Reader class moved. It breathed a long breath. A whisper went around the room while Dear Teacher and the gentleman were conferring. Rumour said Kitty McKoeghany started it.

Sergt. John Ordway will continue to issue the provisions and make the detales for guard or other duty. The day after tomorrow lyed corn and grece will be issued to the party, the next day Poark and flour, and the day following indian meal and poark; and in conformity to that ratiene provisions will continue to be issued to the party untill further orders. should any of the messes prefer indian meal to flour they may recieve it accordingly- no poark is to be issued when we have fresh meat on hand.

A class formed mainly from the younger scions of great families, naturally proud, and not only accustomed to command, but to recieve implicit obedience from the people under them, are not men adapted to the hard toil of the woodman's life. Nor will such persons submit cheerfully to the saucy familiarity of servants, who, republicans at heart, think themselves quite as good as their employers.

Even Dear Teacher's voice showed a touch of the strain. She gave out half a dozen words. Then "receive," said Dear Teacher. It was Kitty's turn. Kitty stood up. Dear Teacher's back was to the blackboard. The Trustee and the visiting gentleman were also facing the class. Kitty's eyes, as she stood up, were on the board. "The best speller in this room is to recieve this medal,"