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The Hartford then fired a farewell rear-admiral's salute, at the thirteenth and final gun of which his flag came down inch by inch, in measured dignity, to be raised no more; all others descending with it in silent haulage. Admiral Henry Bell, who thus sadly ended his career when on the verge of an honored retirement, was in a way an old acquaintance of mine.

We shall now transcribe the Rear-admiral's official account of the battle: this affords additional particulars, and proves that every step had been taken to insure success; which, but from circumstances that often blight the fairest prospects, would have had a very different result.

Other signals, however, followed, which it surpassed the rear-admiral's knowledge to read, without assistance; from all which he was satisfied that the stranger brought intelligence of importance, and which could only be understood by referring to the private signal-book. While these facts were in the course of occurrence, the coach arrived to convey Mrs. Dutton and Mildred to the Hall.

The cutter lay nearest to the landing, and, as the barge approached her, the ladies heard the loud hail of "boat-ahoy!" The answer was also audible; though given in the mild gentleman-like voice of Bluewater, himself. It was simply, "rear-admiral's flag."

The Frenchman has hoisted his tri-colour, with a rear-admiral's flag. "'Bravo Success, at her again! "'She has wore round, my lord, and firing her starboard broadside. It has winged her, my lord her flying kites are flying away all together. The enemy is close on the Success, who must receive her tremendous broadside.

The vice-admiral's galleon was called 'Our Lady of La Vega, the rear-admiral's was the 'Mother of God, and all the other ships were baptized by the holy names deemed most appropriate, in the Spanish service, to deeds of carnage. On the other hand, the nomenclature of the Dutch ships suggested a menagerie.

It was probably connected, however, with a latent apprehension of the rear-admiral's political bias, for, when by himself, he paused fully a minute before he opened the letter.

"Them 'ere cables and hanchors, and that 'ere mizzen-mast, with a rear-admiral's flag a-flying, is rigged in this old church, in honour of our friend Admiral Blue, as was; but as is now dead and gone this many a long year." "Admiral of the Blue," repeated Sir Gervaise coldly. "You're mistaken, Galleygo, I'm an admiral of the white, and admiral of the fleet in the bargain. I know my own rank, sir."

The vice-admiral's galleon was called 'Our Lady of La Vega, the rear-admiral's was the 'Mother of God, and all the other ships were baptized by the holy names deemed most appropriate, in the Spanish service, to deeds of carnage. On the other hand, the nomenclature of the Dutch ships suggested a menagerie.

At night, after supper, my Lord called for the Rear-Admiral's commission, which I brought him, and I sitting in my study heard my Lord discourse with him concerning D. King's and Newberry's being put out of commission. And by the way I did observe that my Lord did speak more openly his mind to me afterwards at night than I can find that he did to the Rear-Admiral, though his great confidant.