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Look for the number of 'follow the rear-admiral's motions. 'Tis 211, I think." "No, sir; but 212. Blue, red, and white, with the flags. With the lanterns, 'tis one of the simplest signals we have." "We will make it, at once. When that is done, show 'the rear-admiral; keep in his wake, in the general order of sailing. That I am sure is 204." "Yes, sir; you are quite right.

The Cæsar and le Pluton were still foul of each other, though a rear-admiral's flag was flying at the mizzen of the first, while that which had so lately fluttered at the royal-mast-head of the other, had disappeared. The Achilles, Lord Morganic, was still among the French, more to leeward than any other English ship, without a single spar standing.

"I should think not, sir; certainly the men aloft can see the cliffs above the fog, as we see the vessels' spars. Ha! Mr. Dutton, there is a rear-admiral's flag flying on board the ship farthest to the eastward."

"Well, if ye haave, Sir Frederick," returned Lyon, who was a Scotchman, "it'll be just once a year since ye war' born, leaving out the time ye war' in the nursery. But we've not come here to enlighten Captain Cuffe in these particulars, so much as in obedience to an order of the rear-admiral's little Nel., as ye'll be calling him, I suppose, Sir Frederick Dashwood?"

This circumstance rendered the commander-in-chief even a greater favourite than common with Stowel, who had all his own way in his own ship, in consequence of the rear-admiral's indifference to such matters. "How do you do, Stowel?" called out Sir Gervaise, cordially. "I am delighted to see you on your legs, and hope the old Roman is not much the worse for this day's treatment"

So the Despatches, &c., of Lord Nelson, Sir H. Nicholas, vol. ii. p. 429. Theseus , Captain Ralph Willett Miller, carried the Rear-Admiral's flag; 2. Culloden , Commodore and Captain Thos. Troubridge; 3. Zealous , Captain Sam. Hood; 4. Leander , Captain Thos. Boulden Thomson, which joined on the day before the attack. There were three frigates: 1. Seahorse , Captain Thos. Francis Fremantle; 2.

As each vessel was approached, however, the hail and the answer were renewed, the quiet of midnight, in every instance, succeeding. At length the barge was seen shooting along on the quarter of the Cæsar, the rear-admiral's own ship, and the last hail was given.

Jago we owe the capture of the English ship, for her bold manoeuvre of attempting to pass between the French Rear-admiral's ship, the Formidable, and the shore, made her take the ground; and, notwithstanding the utmost exertions to get her afloat, it was found impossible to move her. Then the fire from the battery very soon dismasted her, and compelled her to strike." James, vol. iii. p. 120.

Bluewater had betrayed his aversion to the interference of foreign troops in the quarrel, and on this subject he intended to strike a chord which he rightly fancied would thrill on the rear-admiral's feelings. "We have our information, certainly," answered Sir Reginald, like one who was reluctant to tell all he knew; "though good faith requires it should not actually be exposed.

The latter, however, was less disposed to excuse himself by such a process, inasmuch as he felt certain that the rear-admiral's feelings were in the matter he communicated, let the manner have been what it might. "I do not think we can attribute any thing to Admiral Bluewater's absence of mind, on this occasion, sir," answered Wycherly, with generous frankness.