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It was as though it cried out: "I can't stand these everlasting ice peaks, Hollis; they crowd me so." Miss Armitage sat obliviously looking off once more across the valley. The thunder-heads, denser now and driving in legions along the opposite heights, stormed over the snow peak and assailed the far, shining dome. "Oh," she exclaimed, "see Rainier now!

He had with him a little brown sprite, that seemed an embodiment of the wind, such a swift, elastic little creature, his great-grandson, with no clothes about him, though it was a cold November day. To him, motion seemed as natural as rest. Here we first saw Mount Rainier. It stands alone, nearly as high as Mont Blanc, triple-pointed, and covered with snow, most grand and inaccessible-looking.

What springs and streams and waterfalls sing about them and to what a multitude of happy creatures they give homes and food! The principal mountains of the range are Mounts Pitt, Scott, and Thielson, Diamond Peak, the Three Sisters, Mounts Jefferson, Hood, St. Helen's, Adams, Rainier, Aix, and Baker. Of these the seven first named belong to Oregon, the others to Washington.

It was a subject of which Morton was not likely to grow tired. "Admiral Rainier tells me that he has ordered the `Thisbe' to proceed to Bombay, so that you will have an opportunity of renewing your acquaintance with my young friend," she added. "I think that I shall charge you with a small parcel for her; some articles which were not ready before she sailed." This was delightful news for Morton.

So, in the faith our fathers kept, We live, and long to die; To sleep forever, as they have slept, Under a sunlit sky; Close-folded to our mother's heart To find our souls' release A secret coeternal part Of her eternal peace; Where Hood, Saint Helen's and Rainier, In vestal raiment, keep Inviolate through the varying year Their immemorial sleep;

He felt the magnetism of her personality drawing him once more; he desired to cross the deck to her, drop a word into those deep places he had discovered, and see her emotions stir and overflow. Then suddenly the enthusiasm, for which during that drive through the mountains he had learned to watch, broke in her face. "Look!" she exclaimed softly. "See Rainier!"

I've learned a mountain, surely as a person, has individuality; every cloud effect is to me a different mood, and sometimes, when I've been most unhappy or hard-pressed, the sight of Rainier rising so serene, so pure, so high above the fretting clouds, has given me new courage. Can you understand that, Mr. Tisdale? How a mountain can become an influence, an inspiration, in a life?"

Rainier in the Cascade range, is a small stretch of picturesque open country known as Summit Prairie, in the Natchess Pass. In this prairie, during the autumn of 1853, a camp of immigrants had encountered grave difficulties. A short way out from the camp, a steep mountain declivity lay squarely across their track.

But Oh, take him to the theater. By the way; shall we try to climb Mount Rainier before " "See here, my good dolly; you stop steering me away from my feeble parental efforts. Do you wish to be under obligations " "Don't mind, with Milt. He wouldn't charge interest, as Jeff Saxton would. Milt is, oh, he's folks!" "Quite true. But are we? Are you?" "Learning to be!"