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Updated: August 26, 2024

At Pâturages, in the province of Hainaut, down to about 1840 the custom was observed under the name of Escouvion or Scouvion. Every year on the first Sunday of Lent, which was called the Day of the Little Scouvion, young folks and children used to run with lighted torches through the gardens and orchards.

On a designe des lieux particuliers, fertiles en paturages; et on leur a donne des boeufs, moutons, &c. pour qu'ils pussent dans la suite travailler par euxmemes a leur entretien et a leur bienetre."

At Pâturages, in the province of Hainaut, down to about 1840 the custom was observed under the name of Escouvion or Scouvion. Every year on the first Sunday of Lent, which was called the Day of the Little Scouvion, young folks and children used to run with lighted torches through the gardens and orchards. As they ran they cried at the pitch of their voices,

Two miles out I met George with Grimers' despatches. Neither of them had been able to find the 15th. I took the despatches and sent George back to report. I went down a road, which I calculated ought to bring me somewhere on the left of the 15th, who were supposed to be somewhere between Paturages and Frameries. There were two villages on hills, one on each side.

De Nazareth j'allai au Thabor, fut faite la transfiguration de Notre Seigneur, et plusieurs autres miracles. Mais comme les paturages y attirent beaucoup d'Arabes qui viennent y mener leurs bêtes, je fus obligé de prendre pour escorte quatre autres hommes, dont deux étoient Arabes eux-mêmes.

Les bas sont cultivés de toute sorte de manière suivant leur exposition; les sommets sont couverts de pelouses, qui forment les pâturages les plus precieux. Cette gazonade s'étend aussi sur toutes les parties des pentes qui ne sont pas trop rapides, et le reste est couvert de bois.

On a designe des lieux particuliers, fertiles en paturages; et on leur a donne des boeufs, moutons, &c. pour qu'ils pussent dans la suite travailler par euxmemes a leur entretien et a leur bienetre."

«Au dessus de ce village sont de grands et beaux pâturages avec des chalets qui ne sont habités qu'en été, et que l'on nomme les Granges de Solaison. C'est l

The tune was flowing and sweet; and as our boat drifted on, the words of the singer became audible. "O miroir ondoyant! Je rève en te voyant Harmonie et lumière, O ma rivière, O ma belle rivière! "On voit se réfléchir Dans ses eaux les nuages; Elle semble dormir Entre les pâturages paissent les grands boeufs Et les grasses genisses. Au pâtres amoureux Que ses bords sont propices!"

The villages of Waasmes, Paturages, and Frameries were in the midst of such a network of roads that the map could not possibly be clear. If the country had been flat, we might at least have found our way by landmarks. It was not. The roads wandered round great slag-heaps, lost themselves in little valleys, ran into pits and groups of buildings. Each one tried to be exactly like all its fellows.

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