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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Well, and what have 'e seen?" asked the senior church-warden not Cheeseman, who was only the junior, and had neither been at church nor on the headland but Farmer Graves, the tenant of the Glebe and of Up-farm, the Admiral's best holding; "what have 'e seen, good people all, to leave parson to prache to hisself a'most a sarmon as he's hathn't prached for five year, to my knowledge?

Horse stapped to drink in the watter, and gentleman spak to 'un kindly, and then they coom raight on to ussen, and the gentleman's face wor so long and so grave, us veared 'a wor gooin' to prache to us. "'Coort o' King's Bench, saith one man; 'Checker and Plays, saith another; 'Spishal Commission, I doubt, saith Bill Blacksmith; 'backed by the Mayor of Taunton.

One day, when he invited the emigrants to join him in prayer, an old Irish woman replied, "I'd rather play a game o' cards, than hear you prache and pray." She pointed to Friend Hopper, and added, "He comes and stays among us, and always spakes a word o' comfort, and does us some good. But you come and prache and pray, and then you are gone.

Pettier, yours; and I hope to see you soon with the robes upon you, and to be able to prache us a good sarmon. Kitty, you thief of the world, where are you?

Molshy, says the friar to my mother-in-law, 'send that bocaun* to bed poor fellow, he's almost off rouse yourself, James! It's aisy to see that he's but young at it yet that's right he's sound asleep just toss him into bed, and in an hour or so he'll be as fresh as a daisy. * A soft, unsophisticated youth. Let parsons prache and pray -Forral, orral, loll.

Domnick, I'd desarve to be suspinded if I did. Will no one tell me who mixed this, I say, for they had a jewel of a hand at it? Och 'Let parsons prache and pray Let priests to pray and prache, sir; What's the rason they Don't practise what they tache, sir? Forral, orral, loll, Forral, orral, laddy Sho da slainthah ma collenee agus ma bouchalee. Hoigh, oigh, oigh, healths all! gintlemen seculars!

Wife "Now, good people, you're takin' the world on your heads " Farmer "Ay, good people, you're takin' the world on your heads " Wife "Hould your tongue, Brian, an' suck your dhudeen. It's me that's spakin' to them, so none of your palaver, if you plase, till I'm done, an' then you may prache till Tib's Eve, an' that's neither before Christmas nor afther it."

Concern and consternation sat on every brow, as the Little'un unfolded his tale, and we surveyed the universal smash of our crockery. Only O'Gaygun showed signs of levity. In stentorian tones he shouted: "A jedgment! a jedgment on ye, bhoys! The very bastes is sint to prache aginst yer exthravagance an' lukshury! The pigs is tachin' ye as they tached the howly St. Anthony av ould! O glory, glory!

Horse stapped to drink in the watter, and gentleman spak to 'un kindly, and then they coom raight on to ussen, and the gentleman's face wor so long and so grave, us veared 'a wor gooin' to prache to us. "Coort o' King's Bench," saith one man; "Checker and Plays," saith another; "Spishal Commission, I doubt," saith Bill Blacksmith; "backed by the Mayor of Taunton."

"It's meself can prache acceptably to this poor haythin, an' it's meself, loikewise, can't sense a blissid word he gabbles." "He is comparing you with your predecessor," exclaimed the professor.

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