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Updated: August 20, 2024

This system is said to be Vishnuite rather than Śivaite. It specially patronizes the cult of the mystic Buddhas such as Kâlacakra and Heruka, all of whom appear to be regarded as forms of Âdi-Buddha or the primordial Buddha essence. The Siddha named Pito is also described as the author of this doctrine, which had less importance in India than in Tibet.

In one of the pauses a song came monotonously lilting down the street; yet it was not a song, it was only a sort of humming or chanting. Immediately there was a clapping of hands, a flutter of female voices, and delighted exclamations of children. "Oh, it's a dancing bear, it's a dancing bear!" they cried. "Is it Pito?" asked one. "Is it Adrienne?" cried another.

Grandest of all, however, was a globular banner of cloth on which was painted a startling picture of the saint's conversion. All of these were carried high in the air and kept rotating. Behind the standard bearers came a drummer and the player on the shrill pipe or pito chirimiya.

The "pito" is a small, brown, speckled bird, with yellow belly, and there were great numbers of them flying about. But the bird which most fixed the attention of Leon was a little bird about the size of a starling. Its plumage was rather pretty. It was brown, with black stripes on the back, and white-breasted. But it was not the plumage of the bird that interested Leon.

The music consisted of a violin and native pito or pipe, and a drum of the huehuetl type, cut from a single cylindrical block, but with skin stretched over both ends instead of one.

As partners with whom to share both life and fortune they might have seemed impossible to many discerning men. Beth sat down on a rock, near Gettysburg. Someway she, too, liked the three old chaps of whom work had made three trademarks. Old Gettysburg began to sing. Kimo, karo, pito, garo, Kimo, bolly mitty kimo. Napoleon looked up at the end of the song and spat upon his hands.

Pemol is a corn-cake, crumbly, sweet, and baked; it contains sugar and shortening, and is made up into the form of rather large cakes, shaped like horse-collars. As the result of vigorous remonstrance, the secretario really had the danza of los Negros at his house that night. Music was furnished by pito and huehuetl.

"Waitin' till spring, when they'll fetch their cattle up an' settle there." "They want Lydia to keep house for them?" The old man writhed. "Yes, God's sake, that's it! An' they want Liddy to marry a devil called Borotte, with a thousand cattle or so Pito the courier told me yesterday. Pito saw her, an' he said she was white like a sheet, an' called out to him as he went by.

These are three in number, and they head processions at fiestas; the drum, like that we saw at Tuxtla, is cylindrical, with two heads; the pito is the usual reed whistle; the tortuga, a large turtle-shell, was brought from Palenque; it is hung by a belt to the player, and is beaten on the lower side with two leg-bones of a deer. The Cancuc dress is simple.

The "pito" is a small, brown, speckled bird, with yellow belly, and there were great numbers of them flying about. But the bird which most fixed the attention of Leon was a little bird about the size of a starling. Its plumage was rather pretty. It was brown, with black stripes on the back, and white-breasted. But it was not the plumage of the bird that interested Leon.

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