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We must render justice to the two titled patronesses by saying that the immediate admission of Mademoiselle de Vermont to their circle seemed to them the least they could do, and that they greeted her appearance, as she entered on the arm of the Duke, with a sympathetic murmur which put the final stroke to the exasperation of the two malicious dames.

When Paul entered, he found Bachelor Bill leading off the ball to the tune of "Drops of Brandy," with a young lady to whom, because she had been a strolling player, the Ladies Patronesses of Fiddler's Row had thought proper to behave with a very cavalier civility.

Dramatic or poetical value is wanting in those productions of Jonson. From his poems, as well as from the 'Conversations with Drummond, we know that among the patronesses of Jonson there were Lucie Countess of Bedford and Elizabeth Countess of Rutland two ladies to whom Florio dedicated a translation of Montaigne. Lady Rutland's marriage was a most unhappy one.

But beyond the fact of having a large house, where their several sets may assemble at stated periods, these would-be lady patronesses are utterly impotent to help or hinder; and their patronage is just so much pinchbeck, not worth the trouble of weighing.

M'Crule was so vindictively busy, going about, daily, among the lady patronesses, preparing for the great battle that was to be decided on the famous Saturday, it was necessary that Lady and Miss Annaly should exert themselves at least to make the truth known to their friends, to take them to see Dr. Cambray's school, and to judge of the little candidate impartially.

It was the establishment of a college or school for eighty young ladies in the parish, for whose accommodation handsome buildings were to be erected; and Lady Bygrave, with other ladies of consequence in the county, undertook to be patronesses.

"Every one would subscribe for such a purpose!" exclaimed Rachel. "You speak from your own generous nature, Miss Curtis; but the world would require patronesses to recommend."

Celine offered her services, and Madame Theodore sent her to fetch a loaf and a quart of wine with Abbe Rose's money. And in the interval she told Pierre how Laveuve was at one moment to have entered the Asylum of the Invalids of Labour, a charitable enterprise whose lady patronesses were presided over by Baroness Duvillard.

Numerous lady patronesses, chosen from all the "worlds" of Paris the Baroness Duvillard, the Countess de Quinsac, the Princess Rosemonde de Harn, and a score of others were entrusted with the task of keeping the enterprise alive by dint of collections and fancy bazaars.

An anonymous novel of the day, full of society scandal and satire, described the despotic sway of the lady patronesses, the struggles and intrigues for vouchers, and the distinguished crowd when the object was obtained. The earlier hours, alas! only gave longer time for the drinking habits of the Regency.