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Updated: July 31, 2024

Was it not the fashion of the day for the actresses to take lovers, or for the fops to have an opera girl or a comedienne? Did your most popular performers disdain such diversions?" he sneered. "Pardie, the world has suddenly become moral! A gentleman can no longer, it would seem, indulge in gentlemanly follies."

But, pardie! it seems I reckoned without my host, and in seeking to make my fortunes too rashly, I have helped to mar them." Wherewith he related the particulars of his interview with Montagu. Nicholas Alwyn listened to him with friendly and thoughtful interest, and, when he had done, spoke thus,

"What is it?" asked her husband. The woman darted forward and picked up the bit of plaster. She handed it to her husband. "Where did this come from?" demanded Thenardier. "Pardie!" ejaculated his wife, "where do you suppose it came from? Through the window, of course." "I saw it pass," said Bigrenaille. Thenardier rapidly unfolded the paper and held it close to the candle.

"Pardie!" exclaimed Raoul, "that ensign is the tri-color, or my eyes are untrue to my own country. Let me see, Etooell; what ship of forty-two, or forty-four, has the republic on this coast?"

Placing his marks before him on the table in the little withdrawing parlour, he began counting them over, and putting aside the sum he meditated devoting to Warner's relief. "But how," he muttered, "how to get him to take the gold. I know, by myself, what a gentleman and a knight's son must feel at the proffer of alms pardie!

"Le velas!" said Thomas Carré, and handed the lantern to the Sénéchal, and let himself heavily over the side, and groped his way down to the motionless form among the bramble bushes. "Pardie, he is dead, I do think!" as he bent over it. "Let's see!" said the Doctor's quick voice at his elbow. "Hand down the light;" and the Sénéchal waited above in grievous anxiety.

Without warning there welled into his mind broken lines from an old tale in verse of which he was fond: "Me dreamed al this night, pardie, An elf-queen shall my leman be ... An elf-queen wil I have, I-wis, For in this world no woman is Worthy to be my mate ... Al other women I forsake And to an elf-queen I me take By dale and eke by down." Syllable and tone died.

"Pardie," said Edward, with the haste natural to royalty, "what in common there can be between thy jargon of smoke and water and this huge ugliness of iron passeth all understanding. But spare us thy speeches, and on to thy puppet-show."

"I suppose the most excellent Andrea Barrofaldi will sing a Te Deum for his escape from our fangs," suddenly exclaimed Raoul, laughing. "Pardie! he is a great historian and every way fit to write an account of this glorious victory, which Monsieur l'Anglais, l

And when Sir Uwaine saw Sir Gaheris' shield he rode to him and said: Sir, ye do not your part. And pardie, Sir Gaheris, ye knew me well enough by my shield, and so do I know you by your shield, and though ye would break your oath I would not break mine; for there is not one here, nor ye, that shall think I am afeard of you, but I durst right well have ado with you, and yet we be sisters' sons.

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