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Mary's, Welby Street." "Shall I go with you?" Rosamund had taken up the "Paradiso" and was shutting it. "I think I'll go alone," she said gently but quite firmly. "What are you reading?" "Dante's 'Paradiso." She put the book down on a table at her elbow. "I don't believe you meant me to be let in," he said bluntly. "I didn't know it was you. How could I know?" "And if you had known?"

By that time the duke's affairs were in dire confusion, and seeing there was little hope of further employment and none of certain pay, Messer Cristoforo left the Milanese court sorrowfully and went to Mantua, where he carved the lovely doorway still to be seen in Isabella's studio of Il Paradiso at the top of the grim old Castello, and designed the beautiful medal of the marchioness herself, which was praised as a divine thing at the Court of Naples, and which the old scholar Jacopo d'Atri kissed a thousand times over, for the sake of its beauty and of the likeness which it bore to the beloved mistress whom he had not seen for so many years.

But I have often said to him, `Bratti, thy bargain is a limping one, and thou art on the lame side of it. Does it not make thee a little sad to look at the pictures of the Paradiso?

Rursus si ad terrae longitudinem spectemus, quae aestimari potest a Paradiso terrestri, scilicet a digniori et latiori terrae loco, versus eius Nadir, scilicet versus locum sibi in Sphaera terrae oppositum, tunc Iudaea esset ad Antipodes paradisi, quod apparet ita non esse, quod tunc esset viatori de Iudaea ad Paradisum tendentis aequa itineris mensura, siue tenderet versus Orientem, siue versus Occidentem.

But Amy would be tranquil, pure and good, whatever became of him, and he should always be able to think of her, looking like one of those peaceful spirits, with bending head, folded hands, and a star on its brow, in the "Paradiso" of Flaxman. Her serenity would be untouched; and though she might be lost to him, he could still be content while he could look up at it through his turbid life.

When in the thirty-third canto of the Paradiso, Dante relates how he attained to the vision of God, he tells us that just as a man who beholds somewhat in his sleep retains on awakening nothing but the impression of the feeling in his mind, so it was with him, for when the vision had all but passed away the sweetness that sprang from it still distilled itself in his heart.

My favourite waiting-place is near the Via del Paradiso, just where some scarlet pomegranate blossoms hang out over the old brick walls by the canal-side, and where one splendid acanthus reminds me that its leaves inspired some of the most beautiful architecture in the world; where, too, the ceaseless chatter of the small boys cleaning crabs with scrubbing-brushes gives my ear a much-needed familiarity with the language.

Conjectures as to the originals of imaginary portraits, are generally futile; but Miss Millpond not Donna Inez is obviously Lady Byron; in Adeline we may suspect that at Genoa he was drawing from the life in the Villa Paradiso; while Aurora Raby seems to be an idealization of La Guiccioli:

After leaving it, with Giorgione's landscape still glowing in the memory, there are worse courses to take than to tell the poppé to row on up the Rio di Noale to the Misericordia, in which Tintoretto painted his "Paradiso". This great church, once the chief funeral church of Venice, is now a warehouse, lumber rooms, workshops.

Uningratiating splendour Doges and Heaven Venetian pride The most beautiful picture of all A non-scriptural Tintoretto The Sala del Collegio The Sala del Senato More Doges and Heaven The Council of Ten Anonymous charges Tintoretto's "Last Judgment" An immense room Tintoretto's "Paradiso" Sebastiano Ziani and his exploits Pope Alexander III and Barbarossa Old blind Dandolo The Crusades Zara The Fall of Constantinople Marino Faliero and his fall The first Doge in the room The last Doge in the room The Sala dello Scrutinio Palma's "Last Judgment" A short way with mistresses The rest of the Doges Two battle pictures The Doges' suites The Archæological Museum The Bridge of Sighs The dungeons.