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"You know her, don't you?" she says, turning to me. "Know her, Miss? Well, I should snort! There ain't a prospector on the range that ain't proud and honoured to call her a friend. Leastways, if there is I'll bust his block," and I cast the bad eye on the boys to wise 'em up. "Ain't I right, Joe?" "Betcher dam life," says Joe, sort of over-stepping the conventions.

Andrei Nikolaevitch did not oppose his wife's looking after Misha, on the one condition of his education never over-stepping the lines laid down, once and for all, within which everything must move in his house! Thus, for instance, at Christmas-time, and at New Year, and St.

There was a serenity about the youth's expectation of an answer which, proving that he had no thought of over-stepping good manners, made it, at the same time, very difficult to withhold an answer. Bates turned annoyed. He had supposed everybody was within. "What have you lost?" repeated the youth. "Oh " said Bates, prolonging the sound indefinitely.

I hardly like to touch you now, but unless you go " "I am going." Slotman moved stiffly towards the door. "Ask Lady Linden of Cornbridge. She believes to this day that Joan Meredyth is Hugh Alston's wife." "By heavens! If you don't go " Slotman glanced at him; he saw that he was over-stepping the danger-line. Yes, he must go, and quickly, so he went.

There are women of warm, impulsive temperaments who can scarcely help, in certain moments of highly wrought excitement, over-stepping the bounds of nature and decorum, and giving the reins to temper, tongue, and imagination making a scene, in short. Barbara had been working herself into this state during the whole evening.

As Conward's guest he could not quarrel, and his fear of over-stepping the mark if he engaged in discussion induced a silence which might easily have been mistaken for mental inanition. He contented himself with being punctiliously correct in his table etiquette. Perhaps he could have followed no wiser course, Dave's manners had an effect upon Mrs.

"Is it the barbarism of a gentleman," Amory had once propounded, "or is it the gentleman-like manners of a barbarian which makes both enjoy over-stepping a prohibition?" "I compliment you," St. George said gravely, with his deferential stooping of the shoulders. "The women are perfectly trained. This, of course, is due to you." The hard face of the woman softened, but St.

I was dazzled, as if beholding a supernatural being! and then dismayed, as gazing upon one mortal like myself, but possessing such powers and capabilities of outraging humanity, and over-stepping the bounds of honour, good faith, and freedom's laws, the laws of God and man!