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Updated: August 2, 2024

"I'll have to hear the rest about the half-breed when I get back." "There ain't no more yet. He got my cash with his private poker deck that onced, and I'm fixing for to get his'n."

You see" he dexterously roped a horse, and once more his splendid sanity was turned to gold by his imagination "I expect in many growed-up men you'd call sensible there's a little boy sleepin' the little kid they onced was that still keeps his fear of the dark. You mentioned the dark yourself yesterday.

We did everything together in those days work and play. Six years ago. Steve had many good points onced." We must have gone two miles before he spoke again. "You prob'ly didn't notice Steve? I mean the way he acted to me?" It was a question, but he did not wait for my answer. "Steve never said a word to me all through. He shunned it. And you saw how neighborly he talked to the other boys."

"I could not live without it now," he said. "This has got into my system." He swept his hand out at the vast space of world. "I went back home to see my folks onced. Mother was dyin' slow, and she wanted me. I stayed a year. But them Virginia mountains could please me no more. Afteh she was gone, I told my brothers and sisters good-by.

He took to singing, and his face grew roguish to its full extent. "What made yu' say that to me?" he asked, presently. "Say what?" "About marrying. Yu' don't think I'd better." "I don't." "Onced in a while yu' tell me I'm flighty. Well, I am. Whoop-ya!" "Colts ought not to marry," said I. "Sure!" said he.

Some slaves were treated good, and some were treated awful bad by the white people; but most of them were treated good if they would do what their master told them to do. I onced saw a light colored gal tied to the rafters of a barn, and her master whipped her until blood ran down her back and made a large pool on the ground.

I have had many slave experiences. Some slaves were treated good, and some were treated awful bad by the white people; but most of them were treated good if they would do what their master told them to do. I onced saw a light colored gal tied to the rafters of a barn, and her master whipped her until blood ran down her back and made a large pool on the ground.

Ikey's over by the stock-yards, patronized by all cattle-men that know what's what. That's where. Maybe it's three years. Time never was nothing to me. But faces! Why, I can't quit 'em. Adults or children, male and female; onced I seen 'em I couldn't lose one off my memory, not if you were to pay me bounty, five dollars a face. White men, that is. Can't do nothing with niggers or Chinese.

He looked pleased. "I reckon," he said, "I couldn't be so good if I wasn't bad onced in a while." "Why, there's a skunk," said I, noticing the pretty little animal trotting in front of us at the edge of the thickets. "Oh, where is it? Don't let me see it!" screamed Molly.

If you mean the right leg ain't plumb straight, I can tell you he was born so. That don't make no difference, for it ain't weak. Try him onced. Just as sound and strong as iron. Never stumbles. And he don't never go to jumpin' with yu'. He's kind and he's smart." And the master petted his pony, who lifted a hoof for another handshake.

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