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In Him we have the welling forth of the heart of God, the water of life, the water of gladness, the immortal stream of which 'whoso drinketh shall never thirst, and which, touching the blind eyeballs, washes away obscuration and gives new power of vision. III. Then, still further, we have here our Lord suspending healing on obedience.

Every vestige of it had vanished completely, and in its place was the blue sky, its color intensified by reason of its recent meager obscuration. Bakersfield. We reached Bakersfield early in the evening, having made the run of one hundred and forty-six miles, over a heavy mountain range, on fifteen gallons of gasoline. This I call a good performance for any six-cylinder car.

But may not, on the view of the soul being Brahman deluded, the distinction of the several spheres of experience be explained by means of the difference of the limiting adjuncts presented by Nescience? This the next Sutra negatives. And it is a mere apparent argument. For, as we have shown before, obscuration of the light of that which is nothing but light means destruction of that light. Up.

I was sorry for the poor girl, for I believe she really cared for the youngster; and as for her looks, they were quite up to the average. But some evil sprite seemed to have got into Begglely's camera. It seized upon defects with the unerring instinct of a born critic, and dilated upon them to the obscuration of all virtues. A man with a pimple became a pimple with a man as background.

Boeddicker was unable to detect any appreciable heat at the period of greatest obscuration; but, owing to the extreme sensitiveness of the Bolometer, Mr. Very ascertained that those parts of the surface which had been longest in the shadow still emitted heat "to the amount of one per cent. of the heat to be expected from the full moon."

Normally each of these mighty waves of influence spreads about its appropriate plane horizontally, as it were but it does not pass into the obscuration of a plane lower than that for which it was originally intended.

There are no words for the mental torture I endured during this helpless, eyeless groping for myself in a boundless void. No other experience of the mind gives probably anything like the sense of absolute intellectual arrest from the loss of a mental fulcrum, a starting point of thought, which comes during such a momentary obscuration of the sense of one's identity.

She waited for the full obscuration until the last vestige of moonlight had vanished, and only a strange-looking, dull, copper-hued ball hung in the sky. The baroness now rose and went into the house. The astronomer on the castle tower observed that she neglected to close the veranda door. It was now quite dark; the silence of midnight reigned over everything.

One of the officers of the Department of Justice who conducted the suit, and who inclined to the side of mercy in the matter, nevertheless writes: "Heike is a beautiful illustration of mental and moral obscuration in the business life of an otherwise valuable member of society.

We are only too much addicted to turn our eyes from Principle, when it is shining in heavenly radiance, and in full glory, before us; it is not difficult, therefore, to foresee the nature of the consequences which are to follow its total and protracted obscuration." "You then conceive there is a rule superior to interest, which ought to be respected in the control of monikin affairs?"