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Updated: August 4, 2024

The whole mass was then flung upon the fire, and pounded down among numerous bones of the buffalo, already simmering in the cinders. An anatomist only could have detected the presence of a human skeleton. "Now, Rube; the arrows?" "If 'ee'll leave that to me an' Bill Garey, I think them two niggurs kin fix 'em so as to bamfoozle any Injuns thur is in these parts.

"Cap," said he, after a short delay, "'ee needn't show yur crowd till we've first took the luk-outs by the eend o' the kenyun." "How can we take them?" inquired Seguin. "Strip them twenty niggurs," replied Rube, pointing to our captives, "an' let twenty o' us put on their duds. Then we kin take the young fellur him hyur as tuk me for the grizzly! He! he! he! Ole Rube tuk for a grizzly!

I've heern o' a horse runnin' agin a thunder shower; but them niggurs 'll make good time, if thur tails ain't wet afore they git t'other eend they will." As the trapper spoke, the floating and still struggling bodies of his comrades were carried to a bend in the canon, and whirled out of sight.

Afore you see his ugly pictur' ag'in, 'tarnal death to me, strannger, you'll be devoured; the red niggurs thar won't make two bites at you. No, sodger, if we run, we run, thar's the principle; we takes the water, the whole herd together, niggurs, hosses, and all, particularly the hosses; for, 'tarnal death to me, it's ag'in my conscience to leave so much as a hoof.

We cannot touch the Pinon spring without leaving our marks too plainly; and it is the very place where the war-party may make a halt." "I sees no confoundered use in the hul on us crossin' the paraira now. We kan't hunt buffler till they've passed, anyways. So it's this child's idee that a dozen o' us 'll be enough to `cacher' in the Peenyun, and watch for the niggurs a-goin' south.

"By Heaven!" cried one, "I'll have my gal along, or her scalp." "Vaya!" exclaimed another, in Spanish; "why take any of them? They're not worth the trouble, after all. There's not one of them worth the price of her own hair." "Take the har then, and leave the niggurs!" suggested a third. "I say so too." "And I." "I vote with you, hoss."

If we raised the niggurs by such a show as this, they'd take to them, gals and all, an' that's the last we'd see o' them." This speaker was clearly in the right. It would never do to make our attack openly. Stratagem must again be used. A head was now called into the council that soon mastered the difficulty, as it had many another. That was the skinless, earless head of the trapper Rube.

"That he are, Coyote 'Pash, the very niggurs that bobtailed this child's ears. I kin swar to thur ugly picters anywhur I get my peepers upon 'em. Wouwough ole woofy! got 'ee at last, has he! Yur a beauty, an' no mistake."

There's six hundred of us; and that's about as big an army as usually travels in these parts." "But who? What are they?" "They are of all sorts and colours. There's the Chihuahuanos and Passenos, and niggurs, and hunters, and trappers, and teamsters. Your humble servant commands these last-named gentry. And then there's the band of your friend Seguin " "Seguin! Is he " "What?

"I'm afeerd we mout fall in wi' Dacoma's niggurs on the back track; that's what I'm afeerd on." "True; it is most probable." "It ur, unless they got overtuk in the kenyon; an I don't think it. They understan' that crik too well." The probability of Dacoma's band soon joining those of the head chief was apparent to all, and cast a shadow of despondency over every face.

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