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"Ye 've come tae see hoo we 're getting on wi' the repairs" it was the joiner of Kilbogie; "it's no a licht job, for there 's nae doot the hoose hes been awfu' negleckit. The Doctor wes a terrible scholar, but he wudna hae kent that the slates were aff the roof till the drap cam intae his bed.

But eh! to see that puir negleckit bairn o' his rin scoorin' aboot the toon yon gait wi' little o' a jacket but the collar, an' naething o' the breeks but the doup eh, wuman! it maks a mither's hert sair to luik upo' 't. It's a providence 'at his mither's weel awa' an' canna see't; it wad gar her turn in her grave." George was the first arrival at Mistress Croale's that night.

Shoemakers were then a very drucken set, but his beasts keepit him frae them. My mon's been a sober mon all his life, and he never negleckit his wark. Sae I let him be." Children were born to them, eleven in all, and yet he found time to learn to write, to read some books, and to increase constantly his knowledge of nature.

"Says he tae me nae later than yesterday, 'That's a fine field o' barley ye've there, Maister Harris, an' as sure as deith a' didna ken whaur tae luik, for it was a puckle aits." "Keep's a'," said Whinnie; "he's been awfu' negleckit when he wes a bairn, or maybe there's a want in the puir cratur." Next Sabbath Mr.

"Come in, lads, come in; the lassies are weary waiting for their lads, the poor bit things, sair negleckit on this weary isle, wi' nane to see their ankles but scarts and solangeese." And as we entered she held out a dry wrinkled hand. "Prosperous New Year, Young Dan.

Ye must promise me that ye will na try to kill it wi' your ain hands, for I must kill it mysel'." "We promise," said La Salle, encouragingly, while Kennedy gave a half-pitying nod of the head. "Weel, when I was young I cared for naething but the gun, an' mony a beating I got for wark negleckit, an' schule-days wasted in the woods, or on the ice.

And the puir goat, she would be negleckit about a great toun like this; and she could feed bonnily on our lily lea by the burn side, and the hounds wad ken her in a day's time, and never fash her, and Grace wad milk her ilka morning wi' her ain hand, for Elshie's sake; for though he was thrawn and cankered in his converse, he likeit dumb creatures weel."