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He chose his words carefully, saying, "More pain will not negate the pain already in existence, yet war is not always avoidable, and sometimes it is even necessary." When we reached the entrance hall, where the raiding party was to meet, we found that there was already assembled a majority of the force, including Wagner.

The one caution must be taken that the methods of training do not defeat their own purpose by engendering prejudices and ideals that negate the habits. It is here that the personality of the teacher becomes the all-important factor, and the task of the supervisor is to determine whether the influence of the personality is good or evil.

And the broader the scope of the historian's study the more clearly do these moral principles emerge. The present-day emphasis on the accurate verification of data somewhat obscures, but does not negate the fact, that every item of detail is in the end brought under some judgment of good or evil, of gain or loss in human welfare.

If the man has to negate all concerning the preservation of his natural individuality, the new world he has gained for his soul will have abundant affirmation within itself, without the support of any earthly props. It is his own highest life which testifies to him that "death does not count" at all. The disappearance of miracle in religion is an indispensable stage which must be passed over.

Instruction imparts knowledge; but if a man knows and fails to feel, his knowledge has little influence upon his conduct. This factor that controls conduct when habit fails, this factor that may even negate an otherwise efficient habit, is the great indeterminate in the work of teaching.

It may be helpful to stress ... that the Bahá’í principle of the equality of men and women is clearly stated in the teachings, and the fact that there is diversity of function between them in certain areas does not negate this principle. Extracts From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh: 36: It is the bounden duty of parents to rear their children to be staunch in...

I asked him anxiously. "We have electron deflecting suits that negate the effects of the anionizers." "I'm glad to hear it." "And well you should be," he grinned, which, as out of place as it would seem, looked completely natural on his countenance, "For you and I shall be among the bombers.

But at a higher stage, through the development still further of agriculture, private property becomes in its turn a bar to production, as is to-day the case with both large and small land proprietorship. The next step, to negate it in turn, to transform it into social property, necessarily follows.

This intellectual love necessarily follows from the nature of the mind, in so far as it is considered, through the nature of God, as an eternal truth. If there were anything, therefore, contrary to this love, it would be contrary to the truth, and consequently whatever might be able to negate this love would be able to make the true false, which, as is self-evident, is absurd.

Let us negate this negation, that is let us multiply a by a and we have + a^2, that is the original positive quantity but in a higher form that is to the second power. It does not matter that we can attain the same a^2 by the multiplication of a positive by itself. The negated negation is established so completely in a^2 that under all circumstances it has two square roots a and a.