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Clifford, who had risen while she was speaking, listened with a countenance that varied at every word she uttered, now all hope, now all despondency. As she ceased, the expression hardened into a settled and compulsive resolution. "It is well!" said he, mutteringly. "I am worthy of this, very, very worthy!

You shall learn all, and judge accordingly. But to your ear the tale can scarce be told: the son cannot hear in silence that which, unless I too unjustly, too wholly condemn myself, I must say of the dead! But Time," continued Aram, mutteringly, and with his eyes on vacancy, "Time does not press too fast.

And, if once despair became triumphant, all the little arrear of physical strength would collapse at once. Mutteringly she put that question to herself. But strange are the caprices of ebb and flow in the deep fountains of human sensibilities.

A figure of wretchedness she was, bent almost double, her withered, decrepit limbs clad in a ragged pareu and her lean arms clutching the stick that bore her weight. She was so aged that she appeared unable to hear my greeting, and replied only mutteringly, while her bleary eyes gleamed up at me between fallen lids.

"'That's a good soul, said I, 'know'd ye warn't a bad sort of fellow, when a body understood how to get the good out! "'Apartments for Solomon Smooth, Esq., from Cape Cod, he said, mutteringly, looking over his book, and drumming with his fingers on the page. Mr. Smooth, in proof of his fast principles, will have no objection to tying up in the seventh story? "'Rather stiff that, Major!

At the termination of that time, an exclamatory phrase, escaping from his lips, proclaimed the discovery of some object that, to his mind, accounted for the odd behaviour of the albacores. "De frigate-bird!" was the phrase that came mutteringly from between Snowball's teeth. "Ya, ya, dar am two ob dem, de cock an' hen, I s'pose. Dat 'counts for de scariness of dese hya fish.

Looking towards the casements of the attic in the opposite house, Gawtrey said, mutteringly, "I wonder where Birnie has been, and why he has not returned. I grow suspicious of that man." "Suspicious of what?" asked Morton. "Of his honesty? Would he rob you?" "Rob me! Humph perhaps! but you see I am in Paris, in spite of the hints of the police; he may denounce me."

Clifford, who had risen while she was speaking, listened with a countenance that varied at every word she uttered, now all hope, now all despondency. As she ceased, the expression hardened into a settled and compulsive resolution. "It is well!" said he, mutteringly. "I am worthy of this, very, very worthy!

My brother seemed ready to give a loose to his passion: My father put on the countenance which always portends a gathering storm: My uncles mutteringly whispered: And my sister aggravatingly held up her hands. While I begged to be heard out: And my mother said, let the child, that was her kind word, be heard.

The King's stern face never relaxed in its frozen rigidity of woe. Only his lips moved mutteringly. "Dead! Lotys! My God! my God! To rise to such a height of hope and good and then to fall so low! Lotys gone from me! and with her goes all!" Then a sudden delirious hurry seemed to take possession of him.