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Updated: August 28, 2024

As we ascended the river our ship got a little too near the shore and kinder run its prow into a jungle where the monkeys hung from the tree-tops and made fun of us, I spoze, mad at our invadin' their domain and wanted us to pay, 'tennyrate the muskeeters sent in their bills, sharp ones.

Then she cheered up, and faced around and said: "Danged if I didn't begin to think you fellers was deef and dumb. I did, b'gosh. Here I've sot, and sot, and sot, a-bust'n muskeeters and wonderin' what was ailin' ye.

Lizzie Bean was not yet an enthusiast for the simple life, that was sure. She and Mother Wit had gotten better acquainted during the preparations for the noonday meal. "I ain't never been crazy about the country myself," admitted Liz. "Cows, and bugs, and muskeeters, and frogs, don't seem so int'restin' to me as steam cars, and pitcher shows, and sody-water fountains, and street pianners.

And I sez to myself, it can't be the fault of the place anyway; the law-makers have a chance for their souls to soar if they want to, here is room and to spare to pass laws big as elephants and camels, and I wondered that they should ever try to pass laws as small as muskeeters and nats. Thinkses I, I wonder them little laws don't git to strollin' round and git lost in them magnificent corridors.

Fact, I'm a man that's careful about fire. Mind you, I did set fire to a bit of a dead log on the reserve, but a man has to get a whiff o' smoke these nights, on account o' the muskeeters; an' there was no more danger nor there is with this fire o' yours. Called me everything but a gentleman." "Possess your soul in patience. You have no remedy and no appeal till we gather at the river."

Then she cheered up, and faced around and said: "Danged if I didn't begin to think you fellers was deef and dumb. I did, b'gosh. Here I've sot, and sot, and sot, a-bust'n muskeeters and wonderin' what was ailin' ye.

And I ain't surprised at it neither, considerin' the bushels of smoke as I've swallered from that fire ashore, and the thousands of muskeeters as has flied down my throat; so that's all right. Here's the grog, old cock." "Steve" leaned over the bulwarks and seized the grog, and Bob and I both climbed the brig's side at the same instant.

"How could they drive in two muskeeters?" "Oh! less stop talkin' for a spell shet up your little mouth," says Josiah in a winnin' tone, pattin' him on his head. "I can shut up my mouth, uncle Josiah, but I can't shut up my thinker." Josiah sithed; and, right while he wus a sithin', the boy commenced agin on a new tack. "What for a lookin' place was paradise?"

Says I to myself, "It can't be the fault of the place, anyway. They have got a chance for their souls to soar if they want to." Thinks'es I, here is room and to spare, to pass by laws big as elephants and camels. And I wondered to myself that they should ever try to pass laws and resolutions as small as muskeeters and nats.

"Oh, Cap'n Bill! You're scared stiff," said Trot. "I ain't, mate. It ain't that at all. But I don't see that human critters has any call to fly in the air, anyhow. The air were made for the birds, an' an' muskeeters, an' " "An' flyin'-fishes," added Trot. "I know all that, Cap'n, but why wasn't it made for humans, too, if they can manage to fly in it?

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