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"We'll hardly get to my aunt's in time for supper." And they hastened on. Somewhat to their relief they learned, on reaching the home of Mrs. Mulford, in Flatbush Mrs. Mulford being Mollie's aunt that the boy peddler was quite a well-known and much-liked local character. He was thoroughly honest, and could be trusted implicitly.

Mulford got taken off dat rock by Miss Rose and Jack Tier, wid de boat, and den dey comes here altogedder; and den Jack Tier, he get on board and tell Biddy all dis matter, and den Biddy tell Josh, and den Josh tell de cook what for you surprise, you black debbil, one bit?" "Dat all!" exclaimed Simon. "Dat just all dat ebbery bit of it, do n't I say."

As for the people, it was not probable that one in the brig could have been induced to accompany him to the graves at that hour; though everybody but Josh had turned-in, as he informed Mulford, to catch short naps previously to the hour of getting the brig under way. As for the steward, he had been placed on the look-out as the greatest idler on board.

Mulford had next an anxious duty to perform. Throughout the whole of the preceding day he had seen the air escaping from the hull, in an incessant succession of small bubbles, which were formidable through their numbers, if not through their size.

Something of the same feeling governed Biddy, too, for, as Mulford civilly extended his hand to her also, she exclaimed "No fear of me, Mr. Mate I came from Ireland by wather, and knows all about ships and brigs, I do. If you could have seen the times we had, and the saas we crossed, you'd not think it nadeful to say much to the likes iv me."

"Had you stood to the northward the whole night?" asked Mulford, gloomily, of Jack Tier; for gloomily he began to feel, as all the facts of their case began to press more closely on his mind. "If so, we must be well off the reef, and out of the track of wreckers and turtlers. How had you the wind, and how did you head before the accident happened?"

It was known to them all, that Mulford had been left on a naked rock, some thirty miles from that spot; and it was not easy to understand how he could now be at the Dry Tortugas, planted, as it might be, on purpose to show himself to the brig, against the tower, in the bright moonlight, "like a pictur' hung up for his old shipmates to look at."

"Jack, you talk strangely! What is the meaning of all this? I am captain of this craft, and will not be trifled with tell me at once your meaning, fellow." "My meaning is simple enough, and easily told. Rose Budd is the wife of Harry Mulford." "You're dreaming, fellow, or are wishing to trifle with me!" "It may be a dream, but it is one that will turn out to be true.

"That is a proof that we are not far from the reef, at least," cried Mulford, willing to encourage those around him all he could, and really much relieved at finding himself so near even this isolated fragment of terra firma. "This fact is the next encouraging thing to finding ourselves near the boat, or to falling in with a sail."

Mulford listened respectfully, though with a manifest distaste for the instructions he was receiving.