United States or São Tomé and Príncipe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A.M., the weather would not permit us to Sail; sent the Turtlers out again.

With this periagua they surprised a turtling sloop, and forced some of the hands to take on with them; the others they sent away in the periagua. He played at this small game, surprising and taking coasters and turtlers, till with forced men and volunteers he made up a company of 40 men.

"Had you stood to the northward the whole night?" asked Mulford, gloomily, of Jack Tier; for gloomily he began to feel, as all the facts of their case began to press more closely on his mind. "If so, we must be well off the reef, and out of the track of wreckers and turtlers. How had you the wind, and how did you head before the accident happened?"

"There's some sort of a shack over yonder on the mainland," remarked Will. Frank took a look. "Possibly the place where some of those turtlers put up when out after their game. They keep the green turtles in what they call a 'crawl, until ready to set sail for Cedar Keys. I'm told we'll see lots of them there," remarked Frank.

The Areas are three low keys, lying in a triangle; the northern key being the largest. We found a hut on this latter key, a boat hauled up on the island, a net inside the hut, a boiler or two for trying out oil, and other evidences of the inhabitancy of fishermen or turtlers; but this not being the season for these pursuits, everything had apparently been abandoned for some time.

Gentle breezes from the South-East in day, and Calm or light Airs from the Land in the Night. Employ'd taking on board water, Stores, etc. At Noon the Yawl return'd with one Turtle and a large Sting ray. Saturday, 14th. Gentle breezes at South-East and Hazey weather. In the P.M. compleated our water; got on board all the Bread, and part of our Stores; in the evening sent the Turtlers out again.