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Updated: August 24, 2024

Since he had never seen it before, and since it was the custom of all Indian tribes to locate near running water, he could not make certain on that point from the description given by Mul-tal-la. The glass was an excellent one, and through its aid he could discern the figures of people moving aimlessly hither and thither.

The observant Victor noticed that Mul-tal-la gave no reply to this remark, which had been made in the hope of being confirmed by the Blackfoot. The latter glanced at the Shawanoe, whose eyes again rested upon the fire. George threw a couple of sticks in the blaze and then resumed his seat beside his brother.

Now, it would be interesting to tell all about this memorable tournament, but you have no more doubt of the result than did the victor from the moment he consented to enter into it. Mul-tal-la and the Shelton brothers, including Spink and Jiggers, impressed upon the Shawanoe the necessity of his doing his best, no matter what the nature of the struggle might be.

The sleeper was in the midst of a dream in which Zigzag played a leading part, and the youth's first impression was that he had received the full force of a kick on his crown. Paying no further attention to him, Victor quickly let fly at Mul-tal-la, and the throw was as good as the first. The disturbance, slight as it was, roused Deerfoot, who flung the blanket off his face and raised his head.

You have not forgotten the thrilling descent of the Falls of the Columbia, where all the skill of Deerfoot and Mul-tal-la was needed to save the canoe from being dashed upon the rocks. "Are you going to paddle through them again?" asked Victor. "Deerfoot does not wish to see his brother scared so bad as he was before."

"Round and round he went all night, when he perished, but the Great Spirit kept him running throughout the days and weeks that followed until he became a shadow. His feet wore a circular path, which may be seen to-day, as Mul-tal-la has looked upon it many times and my brothers may do if they will journey a few days to the southward. "But Mul-tal-la now tells the strangest part of this story.

When the stillness was becoming oppressive, Mul-tal-la startled all three of his listeners by what was certainly a remarkable question: "Is Deerfoot afraid of any man?" Even the Shawanoe flashed a surprised look upon the Blackfoot. "Why does my brother ask Deerfoot that?" "He shall soon know. Will Deerfoot answer Mul-tal-la?"

Unlike many of his own people, he never was vain enough to wear the scalp-lock, nor did he disfigure his face with paint. When he went upon the warpath his enemies speedily found it out, without any such childish notices. Mul-tal-la led the way into the imperial wigwam, the brothers closely following.

"Mul-tal-la does not know, but his brothers need have no fear." "What did he say to you?" asked Victor. "Only that he wished to see and talk with you. Come with me." It was about the middle of the afternoon when the lads, under the lead of their dusky friend, threaded their way among the tepees to one near the middle of the village, which might be considered the royal residence.

Then he bade his friends good-bye. Before doing so he talked for some minutes with Mul-tal-la. The Blackfoot favored the course Deerfoot had laid out for himself, though it was not unlikely that the fact that opposition was useless may have had its weight in the conclusion reached by Mul-tal-la.

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