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It does not appear that this part of his petition was successful. State Papers, vol. xxxi. Pulvis et umbra sumus Memento mori.

"Sure," Tommy exclaimed, "we've got to celebrate," but Bart stopped, looking past them. "Captain Vorongil!" he said, and went to greet the old Lhari. "I thought you'd hate me, rieko mori." The term of respect fell naturally from his lips. "I did, for a time," Vorongil said quietly. "But I remembered the day we stood on Lharillis, by the monument.

Upon this they disclosed to me their painful dilemma; namely, that they had invited twelve persons to table, and that just at that moment a relation had returned from a journey, who now, as the thirteenth, would be a fatal /memento mori/, if not for himself, yet certainly for some of the guests.

The graceful mural decorations of flowers and cherries in the Salon des Fleurs are in strong contrast with the massive woodwork and the heavy carved furniture, and yet the ensemble is quite harmonious. In the guard room we noticed a fine frieze in which the arms of Anne of Brittany are interwoven with her motto, "Potius Mori quam Foedari!"

"You wish to die, is it not so? and be at peace. There are many who wish that. But we must suffer first. Et pati et mori. Father Franklin, there must be no faltering." There was a long silence. The news was too stunning to convey anything to the priest but a sense of horrible shock.

"Dulce et decorum est pro patriâ mori." Then quoted Ovid: "Nam genus et proavos, et quæ non fecimus ipsi, vix ea nostra voco." He took leave of his solicitor, Mr. William Fraser, and presented him with his gold cane, as a mark of his confidence and token of remembrance. Then he embraced another relative, Mr. James Fraser.

But what I most admired was to see over against the Duke's palace a fair gallows in alabaster, reared express to bring him, and no other, for the least treason to the state; and there it stands in his eye whispering him memento mori. I pondered, and owned these signors my masters, who will let no man, not even their sovereign, be above the common weal.

"Madam," said their guest, "ladies do not always understand Latin, but a certain Roman poet called Horace once said, `Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori'. Let me modify it by saying, `to offer in time of need to die for your country. It does not follow that a man who fights for his home and liberty dies. Good lad. Be a soldier." "I will, sir," said Fred, firmly. "Father didn't die, mother."

The closing episode of the Emperor Suinin's life was the despatch of Tajima Mori, this immigrant's descendant, to the country of Tokoyo, nominally for the purpose of obtaining orange-seeds, but probably with the ulterior motive of exploration. *By Dr. Ariga, an eminent Japanese authority.

Other roads bear the names of Bob Hutchinson, who, as above recorded, was killed in the night attack on Malandrai; Walter Hamilton, killed in defence of the Kabul Residency; Hector MacLean, who earned the Victoria Cross and died to save a comrade at Landaki, in Swat; Quentin Battye, who, mortally wounded, passed peacefully away at Delhi with the words Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori on his lips; Wigram Battye, killed bravely charging in Afghanistan, and Fred Battye, killed at the Panjkora.