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Nevertheless, such a society in my juvenile estimation, during my short escapade from the middy's berth, had its charms, and I was rolling in with a tolerable swagger, when Mr Treenail pinched my arm. "Mr Cringle, come here, into my room."

I give you my word that I lost my bearings more completely than ever since I strapped a middy's dirk to my belt. You see, friend, I know something of shipwreck or battle or whatever may come upon the waters, but the shoals in the City of London on which my poor boy has struck are clean beyond me. Pearson had been my pilot there, and now I know him to be a rogue.

Jacko and Cloudy, even, had one quarrel it was upon the first occasion after their marriage, of his leaving her to join his ship and when the whilom Sister of Charity drove Cloudy nearly frantic by insisting whether in jest or earnest no one on earth could tell upon donning the little middy's uniform and going with him!

Slackening out at once, he waited for a moment or two, and then tightened again, when to his great delight he found that he was no longer dragging at something set hard, but at a yielding body, which he drew easily to the edge of the pool by means of his long coil, before dropping it and running to seize and repeat the middy's performance upon himself.

"Heaven defend me from all such pricks!" said Tom Long, devoutly, as he held the middy's hand in his. "I say, Bob Roberts, I wish you and I could agree better." "So do I," said Bob, giving the hand he held a hearty shake; "But we never shall. I always feel as if I wanted to quarrel with you, as soon as we meet." "So do I," said Tom Long. "You are such an aggravating little beggar."

What a mighty breath it was that the young submarine captain took into his lungs as his head shot into air. "Oh, you Benson!" shot from a middy's mouth. The cry led half a dozen of the young men toward the all but exhausted rescuer. They came with long, lusty strokes that brought them to Benson, quickly, while he trod water and tried to raise the face of the girl above the surface.

I's Dinah, de sister ob Peter de Great, an' de fri'nd also ob Geo'ge. So you make your mind easy." "My mind is quite easy," said Hester; "and even if you were not Peter's sister, I'd trust you, because of the tone of your kind voice. But who is Geo'ge?" Dinah opened her eyes very wide at this question, for Peter had already enlightened her mind a little as to the middy's feelings towards Hester.

"Yes, dear," said Cousin Jack, for no one else could speak. "Middy's gone away for a little while." "I know," said the child, contentedly, "Middy gone to Gramma's to see Kitty!" "Why, perhaps she did!" exclaimed Mr. Maynard. But Mrs. Maynard had no such hope. It was too unlike Marjorie to do such a thing. "Well, let's find out," urged King. "Let's get Uncle Steve on the long-distance wire."

Next moment his teeth were in the calf of one of the men's legs, and his right hand grasped the baggy trousers of the other. A compound kick and plunge overturned them both, and as they all fell into a heap, the cheek of one seaman received a stinging blow that was meant for the middy's soles.

The royal travellers stayed over the Sunday at Deutz, and again saw Cologne illuminated, the cathedral like "a mass of glowing red fire." On reaching Osborne on the 31st of August, the Queen and the Prince were met by Prince Alfred who had just passed his examination and been appointed to a ship "in his middy's jacket, cap, and dirk."