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I really fear I shall do little justice to the business which brought me here. The children must pardon my not writing. I have a number of memorandums of business to make out for Johnstone. Thank them again for their letters, and beg them not to be so churlish. Let one of the boys haunt Moore. But you surely can do it without letting him vex you, even supposing he does nothing.

It is a remarkable proof of this difference between them, that while, in the memorandums of speeches left behind by Burke, we find, that the points of argument and business were those which he prepared, trusting to the ever ready wardrobe of his fancy for their adornment, in Mr.

Hardy thought his master used such a book, but had never seen it near; Mrs. Giles altogether disbelieved its existence; and Sam could not be positive his uncle never allowed any one to touch his private memorandums. As, with deepened anxiety, Dr. May returned to the dining-room, he caught a glimpse of Henry Ward's desponding face, but received a sign not to disclose his presence.

These pencil-memorandums are in some instances written in a modern cursive hand, to which marginal readings in ink, written in an antique hand, correspond. These pencil-memorandums in some instances underlie the words in ink which correspond to them. Collier was the first to bring into notice. Some of the pencilled memorandums in the folio of 1632 seem to be unmistakably in the handwriting of Mr.

Many people, as my French mandarin observed, reason like Voltaire's famous traveller, who happening to have a drunken landlord and a red-haired landlady at the first inn where he stopped in Alsace, wrote down among his memorandums "All the men of Alsace drunkards: all the women red-haired."

Indeed he himself scarcely knew what he was worth, as he was continually finding memorandums of moneys out at high interest, of which his father had not chosen to speak to Rowland, but which his carefully secreted books and papers proved, as well as the knowledge of Mr Rice Rice, who had been his attorney.

"No, madam," answered he, gravely; "you are the only person who could not disturb me, since my employment was making memorandums for a letter to yourself: with which, however, I did not desire to importune you, but that you have denied me the honour of even a five minutes' audience."

We ask, was it guilt that made him act thus? The judges noted it, and even made memorandums of the same upon their record of evidence. It was observed as significant also by every one present. Captain Bramble himself looked at the prisoner with surprise to see him thus effected by the presence of his servant.

Well, Mr Simple, it was reported to Sir Isaac that his clerk was often seen taking memorandums of the different orders given to the fleet, particularly those as to there being no wasteful expenditure of his Majesty's stores. Upon which, Sir Isaac goes to the admiral, and requests that the man might be discharged.

MARQUIS. Not so! I came to ask thee for thine own. CARLOS. My tablet! Why? MARQUIS. And whatsoever writings You have, unfit to meet a stranger's eye Letters or memorandums, and in short, Your whole portfolio. CARLOS. Why? MARQUIS. That we may be Prepared for accidents. Who can prevent Surprise? They'll never seek them in my keeping. Here, give them to me Strange! What can it mean?