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It was a helpless, imploring look that Mauer now directed towards his daughter; his hands clasped over hers with a convulsive grasp; his lips moved, as if to speak, but no sound came from them. Carmen looked at her father in perfect amazement. "Father, dear father, indeed I cannot become the wife of this man," she whispered with a beseeching tone.

WINKELRLED. 'Tis a traitor's counsel, His country's foe! REDING. Peace, peace, confederates! SEWA. Homage to Austria, after wrongs like these! FLUE. Shall Austria exert from us by force What we denied to kindness and entreaty? MEYER. Then should we all be slaves, deservedly. MAUER. Yes! Let him forfeit all a Switzer's rights Who talks of yielding to the yoke of Austria! I stand on this, Landamman.

The inhabitants of the town must be content to live without ostentation and show, abiding by the general customs, and conducting themselves as humble members of the faith. "Just to think: I, an old man, was going to set such a bad example and encourage foolish ideas!" said Mauer to his daughter, deeply mortified.

But Mauer," cried Jonathan, in a voice of frenzy, "when I stood by Don Manuel's death-bed and discovered your guilty love for Inez, while your wife stood in your way, everything became clear to me." "You knew, Brother Jonathan, that I was bearing all the tortures of remorse, and yet gave me no word of explanation?" whispered the unhappy victim. "That is not surprising. Do you know what hate is?

Was it her anxiety about her father, or was it the old man's weakness? But it came and went like a flash, and he resumed his usual manner as he rose to leave, saying to Mauer: "Adieu, Brother. May the Lord keep you and give you a speedy recovery!" "I will have the medicine prepared at once, father," said Carmen, heaving a sigh of relief as the door closed behind the physician.

She kissed her father's hand with love and reverence; then raising her head, looked in his eyes, which rested on her so anxiously. "Father I promise you I will remain faithful to my God, and endeavor to keep His laws." Mauer sank back on his pillows.

She made a movement to leave the room, so that the meeting between the friends should be private, but Mauer held her back and pleaded: "Stay with me, my child," as if he could not bear to have her out of his sight. When Jonathan entered, he stood for a moment near the door, and his eyes sought to read the expression of the sick man's face.

The duke claims his maternal property, Urging he's now of age, and 'tis full time That he should rule his people and dominions; What is the answer made to him? The king Places a chaplet on his head: "Behold, The fitting ornament," he cries, "of youth!" MAUER. You hear. Expect not from the emperor Or right, or justice. Then redress yourselves! REDING. No other course is left us.

Closer and closer they came, mingled with the cracking of rifles; while from the borders of the forest, on the south, clouds of smoke ascended and curled in wreaths among the sombre pines, Mauer and his daughter went out and took up their station on the lawn, under an old linden-tree, from whence they could survey the scene at leisure.

ROSSELMANN. Let me arrange this generous controversy. Uri shall lead in battle Schwytz in council. Then take your place. STAUFFACHER. Not I. Some older man. HOFE. Ulrich, the smith, is the most aged here. MAUER. A worthy man, but he is not a freeman; No bondman can be judge in Switzerland. STAUFFACHER. Is not Herr Reding here, our old Landamman? Where can we find a worthier man than he?