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By this time the biscuit had got to be softened in the wine and water, and he took a piece, and after masticating it well, swallowed it. This was positively the first food the sick and desolate young man had received in a week. Fully aware of this, he abstained from taking a second mouthful, though sorely pressed to it by hunger.

Joshua, who sat on her other side and ate prodigiously, scarcely addressed a word to her; but she gathered from his remarks to his father and brother that he was interested in cows. And Mr. Holt was almost exclusively occupied in slowly masticating the special dishes which the butler impressively laid before him.

"Did you expect me to grow up into a man?" asked Desiree, over her shoulder. Barlasch stood in the doorway, his lips and jaw moving as if he were masticating winged words. At length, having failed to find a tremendous answer, he softly closed the door.

And there was a great black crock upon the brandish with his legs a-sticking out, but I don't know what was in within." "And there's two bushels of biffins for apple-pies," said Maryann. "Well, I hope to do my duty by it all." said Joseph Poorgrass, in a pleasant, masticating manner of anticipa- tion.

I feel as if I had some pap in my stomach and that takes away my appetite." He watched the others eating, as he cut himself a piece of bread from time to time and carried it lazily to his mouth, masticating it slowly. He thought of Martine. "She is a fine girl, all the same."

The Spider ceased chewing for a moment, nodded, and turning to Spike, chewed fiercer than ever. "Where youse goin', Kid?" he enquired, masticating the while. "What was you goin' to tell me, Spider?" demanded Spike, a note of sudden anxiety in his voice. "Nawthin', Kid." "Aw come off, Spider! What was it?"

You were friendless, and the man who has all earth for a foe befriends you. It is the way of the world, sir, the way of the world. Come, eat while you can; this time next year you may have no beef to your bread." Thus masticating and moralising at the same time, Mr.

One day the men received a lesson in carefulness which they did not soon forget. Breakfast had been served out, and Phil Briant was about to finish his last mouthful of biscuit he had not had many mouthfuls to try his masticating powers, poor fellow when he paused suddenly, and gazing at the cherished morsel addressed it thus "Shure, it's a purty bit, ye are!

It does not add much to the charms of female society to see them sitting before you gnawing and sucking a pair of ookjook soles, or twisting an entire seal-skin into a roll, one end of which is thrust into a capacious mouth to undergo the masticating and lubricating process.

People who still diet on sodden pie and the products of the frying-pan of the pioneer, and then, in order to promote digestion, attempt to imitate the patient cow by masticating some elastic and fragrant gum, are doing very little to bring in that universal physical health or beauty which is the natural heritage of our opportunity.