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Updated: August 20, 2024

"The infernal scoundrel! She shall die before wedding him!" "He knows how you feel: that is why he strives to keep you apart." "He'll have a good time in doing it! Do you know the path that leads to the summer quarters of this precious dog?" "Well enough to guide you thither, but Martella knows it better than I." "Can he be hired to guide us thither?" "No, for he will do so without pay."

You know how many things we see which we must not see, and of late I have had many chances to view such things on the gunboat. I shall say to the General that you were as prompt and obedient as you always are to do his bidding, and that he has no better officer in his army than you." "And you shall not be forgotten, Martella; I will order the horse saddled for the Señorita."

"Which is likely to be bad for you, Captain, unless Bambos is anxious after all to go to war, as he pretended the other day." "I think," said Martella, "he means to get more men and attack the boat." "But where will he get the men from? He is a long way from Atlamalco." "Yet not very far from Castillo Descanso, where he has quite a force as you know."

"I admit that the temptation is strong, and, were not Miss Starland's interests at stake, nothing would please me more than to capture that wheezy tug and scuttle it, but it may bring unpleasant consequences to her and therefore is not to be thought of." Captain Guzman said these words were wise, and Martella was compelled reluctantly to accept the situation, though it irked him.

"I will go to Captain Navarro of the guard and tell him I come as a messenger from General Yozarro, who is waiting with the gunboat to take the Señoritas to Atlamalco, and he must not delay in obeying the command." The American looked at him in amazement. "Have you the nerve for that, Martella?" "I await only your permission."

By driving out the horse without any belongings, he gave the impression that he was an estray, probably cropping the herbage, when disturbed by the approach of strangers. He had not been ridden long enough to show the marks of bridle or saddle, unless examined closely, which was not likely to be the case. "They may learn the truth," whispered Martella; "be ready!"

Its prow was drawn well up the bank, and the sail lay in a roll on the boom and at the foot of the single mast with everything snug. Martella hastily examined every portion of the hull, stepping into the water to do so, and finally said with a grin: "None of them saw it." "That is better fortune than I expected. Providence has been kind to us, but where is their boat, Martella?"

The brief interval decided the question. It seemed that the sailboat might touch land before the pursuer could interpose to head them off. Martella decided to take his chances with the others. The tug was now so near that Yozarro called: "Stop or we'll blow you out of the water!"

Under the manipulation of the adepts at the respective wheels, the boats were laid beside each other and the gangplank of the yacht connected the two. Miss Starland was the first to run across and was clasped in the arms of her delighted relative. Then her brother, Captain Guzman and Martella followed.

The latter was approaching fast and came up panting slightly from the exertion. "Martella, you will not forget to remind General Yozarro that I was quick to obey his command, as soon as you gave it to me?" "Have no fear, Captain." In the immeasurable relief and the dread of awaking distrust, the deserter punished himself. Instead of immediately following his charge, he remained facing the officer.

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