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Updated: August 13, 2024

When the ship's way is deadened in stays and all the hands are aft at the main-braces you shall have a clear road to slip out and get overboard through the open quarter-deck port. I've had them both fastened up. Use a rope's end to lower yourself into the water so as to avoid a splash you know. It could be heard and cause some beastly complication."

"One hand to the wheel, and jam it hard up," commanded George; "the rest of you to your stations. Mr Bowen and Mr Cross, you will mount guard over the galley-doors, if you please, until we have got the ship round. Raise tacks and sheets, round with the main-yard, and flatten in forward. Well, there, with the main-braces.

The cooper and carpenter volunteered to head a mutiny forthwith; and while Jermin was below, four or five rushed aft to fasten down the cabin scuttle; others, throwing down the main-braces, called out to the rest to lend a hand, and fill away for the land.

"Yes, sir; I can still see the one I saw at first; but not the other," was the reply. "We must pick him up, if possible," exclaimed the skipper. "Up helm, my man; hard up with it. Man the main-braces, and fill the topsail!" At this juncture Sibylla, who had not heard the first part of the skipper's speech, stepped up to Captain Blyth, ashy pale, and gasped: "What are you going to do, captain?

In the meantime, the man at the wheel had luffed until the weather leeches were flat and the ship scarcely moving. And at this moment, that the skipper might know their meaning, a couple of hands jumped aft and let go the weather main-braces. I took care to keep my eyes on Coxon and the mate, fully prepared for any attack that one or both might make on me.

Weather main-braces, the rest o' you! Slack away to looward! Round wi' the yards, you farmers round wi' 'em! Down wi' the wheel, there! Bring her up three points and hold her. H l an' blazes, what's he firin' on me for?" Excitedly, the men obeyed him; they were not used to gun fire, and it is certainly exciting to be shot at.

So, well there with the main-braces, belay all; and stand by fore and aft with your ropes'-ends. Look out, for'ard there; now heave! Missed him, by all that's clumsy! Try you, the next man. Missed again; line not long enough. Steady, men, steady, or you'll lose him yet. Now, look out, Ned, my lad! Heave, boatswain, and let us see what you can do. Well hove!

"Fill, sir, and stretch off, on an easy bowline," was the answer; "when a league in the offing, let me know it. Mr. Cornet, I have need of you, in my cabin." As this was said, Bluewater went below, followed by his signal-officer. At the same instant the first lieutenant called out to man the main-braces, and to fill the top-sail. As soon as this command was obeyed, the Cæsar started ahead.

Let go your lee main-braces and round in to windward gently now; not too quick; that's well; catch a turn with your after-braces and then square the fore-yard; well with the fore-braces; belay all and coil up. Ah! I expected that."

Clark' that were the second mate 'and don't let it shake; keep it good full and give her away; lay the crochick yard square, and come up to the main-braces, all of you. And so, gently, as if she'd been a sick child, he coaxed her to go off, and she begin to gather way.

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