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Updated: August 12, 2024

"You're a clever fellow! From the cold indeed! Why, it was hot. If it had been from the cold, ours would not have rotted either. 'But, he says, 'go up to ours and they are all rotten and maggoty. So, he says, 'we tie our faces up with kerchiefs and turn our heads away as we drag them off: we can hardly do it.

"Truly," said she to herself, "God has put great strength into this monk!" At the same time she seriously forbade the pages, servants, and others to torment the poor man, to whom out of mockery they had just given some rotten apples and maggoty nuts.

He saw in the black, void, glistening eyes of the oriental only the same danger, the same menace that he saw in the landlady. Fair, wise, even benevolent words: always the human good speaking, and always underneath, something hateful, something detestable and murderous. Wise speech and good intentions they were invariably maggoty with these secret inclinations to destroy the man in the man.

A brain be like a nut, as ripens all the year through an' awnly comes to be gude for gathering when the tree 's in the sere. 'T is in the autumn of life a man's brain be worth plucking like eh?" "Doan't knaw. They 'm maggoty mostly at your age!" "An' they 'm milky mostly at yourn!" "Listen to the bells an' give awver chattering," said Will.

He did not resent the question of the sweet-faced nurse. "Yes," he answered, "there is a real Ethel but she would not care. Nobody cares." Buck Moncrossen was a big man with a shrunken, maggoty soul, and no conscience. He had learned logging as his horses learned it by repetition of unreasoning routine, and after fifteen years' experience in the woods Appleton had made him a camp boss.

The following morning was cool and fine, but showers developed during the day. Our venison, improderly dried, was molding, and much of it we found, upon unpacking, to be maggoty.

I don't see why an officer should get two thousand five hundred times as much as a seaman. There ought to be a difference, but not so much. Number Three, the food ought to be better; the water ought to be better. We can't live on rum, maggoty bread, and foul water that's sure.

The life of the sailor, with its coarseness and drudgery, its inadequate pay, its evil-smelling food, its maggoty bread, its beer drawn from casks that once had held oil or fish, its stinking salt-meat barrels, the hideous stench of the bilge-water all this could in one sense be no worse than his sufferings in jail.

This contract was the thin end of that wedge which eventually split the mighty oak block of Government patronage into three-deckers and ships of the line; which did good service under Pellew, Parker, Nelson, Hood; which exfoliated and ramified into huge dockyards at Plymouth, Portsmouth, and Sheerness, and bore, as its buds and flowers, countless barrels of measly pork and maggoty biscuit.

"Gootes, you are the endproduct of a long line of incestuous idiots, the winner of the boobyprize in any intelligencetest, but you have outdone yourself in bringing me this verminous and maggoty ordure," said Le ffaçasé, throwing my efforts to the floor and kicking at them. The outrage made me boil and if he had not been an older man I might have done him an injury.

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