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Old James Lytton was placed beside her in the following year, and ten years later a child of Christiana Huggins, the wife of his son. The cane grows above their graves to-day. Alexander went home with Mrs. Mitchell, and it was long before he returned to Peter Lytton's.

Lytton's mind was tinged with the eastern glow that lit up alike the stories, the speeches, and the policy of his chief.

Lord Lytton's position I shall examine later on; but, as regards the theory that Shakespeare did not busy himself much about the costume-wardrobe of his theatre, anybody who cares to study Shakespeare's method will see that there is absolutely no dramatist of the French, English, or Athenian stage who relies so much for his illusionist effects on the dress of his actors as Shakespeare does himself.

I must also say that he shows his sincerity on occasions by frankly criticising some details of Lytton's policy, and by discharging the still more painful duty of mentioning unfavourable rumours as to his friend's conduct as Viceroy.

But Jess did not think much of that: what she did think of was the blessed possibility of being able to lay down her life, as it were, in the life of another of at last finding somebody who understood her and whom she could understand, who would cut the shackles that bound down the wings of her genius, so that she could rise and bear him with her as, in Bulwer Lytton's beautiful story, Zoe would have borne her lover.

"And he's going to read us bits of local colour. I can see it glinting in his eye. Let's look very busy." "What can we do?" asked Marcella with a giggle. He initiated her into the mysteries of "Noughts and Crosses" and they sat with heads bent low over the paper as the schoolmaster came along. "I have been tracing the course of the fugitives in Lytton's immortal work," he began with a cough.

I ran into her room, and though she was beside herself with pain I managed to control her, though she struggled desperately against me. I was rushing her to the bathroom, passing through Miss Lytton's room. 'What's wrong? I asked as I carried her along. 'I took some of that, she replied, pointing to the bottle on the dressing-table. "I put a small quantity of its crystal contents on my tongue.

Bulwer Lytton's Milton was, if one may believe the press notices, the most favorably received of his poems, but it is a signal example of aspiring verse that misses both the sensuous beauty of poetry, and the intellectual content of philosophy. Milton is portrayed as the life-long lover of an incarnation of beauty too attenuated to be human and too physical to be purely ideal.

We doubt not that some of our readers, filled with terrible ideas as to the violent and perilous nature of the Water Cure, will give us credit for some strength of mind when we tell them that we have proved for ourselves the entire mode of life; we can assure them that there is nothing so very dreadful about it; and we trust they may not smile at us as harmlessly monomaniacal when we say that, without going the lengths its out-and-out advocates do, we believe that in certain states of health much benefit may really be derived from the system, Sir E. B. Lytton's eloquent Confessions of a Water-Patient have been before the public for some years.

He said he had all Sir Walter Scott's works and all Lord Lytton's works at home and never tired of reading them. "Of course," he said, "there were some of Lord Lytton's works which boys couldn't read." Mahony asked why couldn't boys read them a question which agitated and pained me because I was afraid the man would think I was as stupid as Mahony. The man, however, only smiled.