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Only Lubov Sergievna, who, I believe, really believed me to be a great egoist, atheist, and cynic, had no love for me, but frequently disputed what I said, flew into tempers, and left me petrified with her disjointed, irrelevant utterances.

Notwithstanding my fondness for Dimitri and the pleasure which his frankness had afforded me, I now felt as though I desired to hear no more about his feelings and intentions with regard to Lubov Sergievna, but to talk unstintedly about my own love for Sonetchka, who seemed to me an object of affection of a far higher order.

First of all, the hotel servant Simeon, whom she knew, came to her establishment on behalf of a rich Siberian merchant, and she sent Lubov back with him. After a time Lubov returned with the merchant. The merchant was already somewhat intoxicated she smiled as she said this and went on drinking and treating the girls. He was short of money. He sent this same Lubov to his lodgings.

There is a mist over everything everybody inhales that mist, and that's why the blood of the people has become spoiled hence the sores. Man is given great liberty to reason, but is not permitted to do anything that's why man does not live; but rots and stinks." "What ought one to do, then?" asked Lubov, resting her elbows on the table and bending toward her father.

But Lubov did not go away; persistingly looking into his eyes, she asked, with an offended tone in her voice: "Papa, why do you always speak to me in such a way as though I were a small child, or very stupid?" "Because you are grown up and yet not very clever. Yes! That's the whole story! Go, sit down and eat!"

Foma broke off his speech abruptly, shrugged his shoulders and looked at Lubov with a smile. "Where have you picked up such philosophy?" she asked, suspiciously and drily. "That is not philosophy. That is simply torture!" said Foma in an undertone. "Open your eyes and look at everything. Then you will think so yourself."

My aim is to raise the importance and price of Russian leather abroad, and so equipped with the knowledge as to the manufacture, I am building a model factory, and fill the markets with model goods. The commercial honour of the country!" "Does it require much capital, did you say?" asked Mayakin, thoughtfully. "About three hundred thousand." "Father won't give me such a dowry," thought Lubov.

Yet for some reason or another I could not make up my mind to tell him straight out how splendid it would seem when I had married Sonetchka and we were living in the country of how we should have little children who would crawl about the floor and call me Papa, and of how delighted I should be when he, Dimitri, brought his wife, Lubov Sergievna, to see us, wearing an expensive gown.

This face with the toothless mouth and the malicious smile, rousing in Foma hatred and fear, augmented in him the consciousness of solitude. Then he recalled the kind eyes of Medinskaya and her small, graceful figure; and beside her arose the tall, robust, and rosy-cheeked Lubov Mayakina with smiling eyes and with a big light golden-coloured braid.

Ah, my dear Nicolinka" he spoke with the most unusual and unwonted tenderness, and in a tone which had grown calmer now that he had made his confession "how much the influence of a woman like Lubov could do for me! Think how good it would be for me if I could have a friend like her to live with when I have become independent! With her I should be another man."