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Sárvölgyi, all pale, rose at this awful scene: for all the world as if Lörincz Áronffy himself had come to relate the history of his own death to his murderer. "Then I seized Lorand's arm with my one hand, and with the other held before the wretch's eyes the evidence of his cursed falseness. His evil conscience bade him fly. I reached him, seized his throat...."

"... God intercede between our hearts. "Your loving son, "LORAND." As the minister read, Czipra at each sentence pressed Lorand's hand closer to her heart. She could neither speak nor weep: it was more than her spirit could bear.

"You are explaining to me that the immensity of the world of creation reaching to awful eternity is only equalled by the immensity of the descent to the shapeless nonentity; and that is your God!" The sublime calm of Lorand's face indicated that that was his idea. "My dear boy," said Topándy, placing his two hands on Lorand's shoulder, "with that idea I have long been acquainted.

I began to tremble, seized one of his arms, and implored him not to be angry. Of course, I believed what he said. He could see that I believed, for all my limbs were trembling. "Let us go to him, Lorand." My brother merely gazed at me as if he were horrified at what I had said. "To father?" "Yes. What if I speak to him, and he awakes?" At this suggestion Lorand's two eyes became like fire.

She gave me my effects, counted over my linen. She gave me pocket-money, promising to send me some every month with Lorand's. "Then I beg you," she whispered in my ear, "take care of Lorand!" Again that word! Again that hint that I, the child, must take care of my brother, the young man!

He caught a glimpse of Lorand's face by the flash of the second discharge, recognized in him the man he sought, whom he hated, whose blood he thirsted after: that foe, whom he remembered with curses, whom he had promised to tear to pieces, to torture to death, who was here again in his way, and had with his unaided power broken up the whole opposing army, for all the world like the archangel himself.

That kiss I received for Lorand's sake. "It is not true!" yelled Bálnokházy; "he disappeared with my wife. I have certain information that this woman passed the frontier with a young smooth-faced man and arrived with him in Vienna. That was Lorand." "It was not Lorand, but another." "Who could it have been?" "Is it possible that you should not know? Well, I can tell you.

"Oh, you are proud of your red boots!" sneered the rider, looking down at Lorand's bare-feet. "It's easy for you to say so," was Lorand's sharp reply; "sitting on that hack." But "hack" means a kind of four-footed animal which this rider found no pleasure in hearing mentioned. "My own training," he said proudly, as if in self-defence against this cutting remark. "I know.

How could I tell him what I knew? What should I ask from him? But how was it possible that neither was at home at such a critical time? Surely they must have been informed of such a misfortune. I did not dare to introduce Lorand's name before the governess. Who knows what others are? Besides, I had no sympathy for her. For me a governess seemed always a most frivolous creature.

She must learn to know the principles of religion, and just so much of the alphabet as is necessary for a country lady and you must realize that several weeks are necessary for that. That is what we must wait for." Desiderius had to acknowledge that Lorand's excuse was well-grounded. And perhaps Lorand was not jesting?