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Thus, for example, the rational diet of to-day is not only a hygienic measure which all should adopt in order to keep themselves in health, but the most important factor in the cure of illness. Dietetics, whether for the victims of gout, pellagra, fever, tuberculosis, or diabetes, is of primary importance; lithia salts, caffeine, and creosote are useless in comparison.

Abe started to draw himself up to his full five feet three, but lumbago brooks no hauteur, and he subsided into the nearest chair with a low, expressive "Oo-ee!" "That's a heart you got it, Mawruss," he declared bitterly, "like a stone. I drunk it nothing but lithia water and some dry toast, which them suckers got the nerve to charge me fifty cents for."

"His Excellency told me that I was to refuse you nothing, but he advises you to drink only the white wine until his return." "He really left that message?" "Precisely as I have delivered it." The desire for whisky passed, came again but was beaten back, returned in the night so that he sat up with the sweat pouring down his face and his tongue parched. He drank lithia water instead.

"Scotch and lithia!" he said hoarsely; the Japanese steward looked at Quarrier; then, at that gentleman's almost imperceptible nod, went away to execute the commission. He executed a great many similar commissions during the trip to New York.

"Hello!" said Carl pleasantly, pushing the decanter across the table. Hunch stared at his host, fidgeted, poured himself a generous drink and waited suggestively. Carl merely laughed good-humoredly and lighted a cigar. "Sorry, Hunch," he regretted, "but I've joined the Lithia League!"

Come Magnesia! come Potash! come Lime, Soda, Lithia, and Baryta! Come ye all to the presence of Prince Saturation." There glided to the Sponge's feet a number of leather-looking beings, of broad, circular faces, and to every face a tail was appended on the other side. "The gentleman don't like our laboratory," exclaimed the Sponge, purring the while like a cat.

Miss Kennedy with manners transposed the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, low. What is it? loud boots unmannerly asked. Find out, miss Douce retorted, leaving her spyingpoint. Your beau, is it? A haughty bronze replied: I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I hear any more of your impertinent insolence.

At the club Warrington found a few lonely bachelors, who welcomed him to the long table in the grill-room; but he was in no mood for gossip and whisky. He ordered a lithia, drank it quickly, and escaped to the reading-room to write some letters. Down in the grill-room they talked him over. "I don't know whether he boozes now, but he used to be tanked quite regularly," said one.

Sometimes he would get away by himself and read the Thing over again, and shake his Head and Remark: "Well, if they are Right, then I must be Wrong, but to me it is Punk." He had his Likeness printed in Advertisements which told the Public to read what the Author of "Willie's Good Night" had to say about their Lithia Water.

This reticence, then, in the actors who perform the sad comedies of their philanthropy-scourged world, must, in a degree, account for the shortcomings of this painfully gleaned tale, which shall be called Old Jacob Spraggins mixed for himself some Scotch and lithia water at his $1,200 oak sideboard.