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Lightowler gave a short and rather savage laugh. 'Wilcox has done it, then! he said. Mark threw away his cigar, and slightly lifted his hat as he came up: he felt somewhat ashamed and strongly tempted to laugh at the same time; he dared not look at the face of Mr. Humpage's companion, and kept in the background as a dispassionate spectator. Mr.

Lightowler protested against this processional pomp by a loud snort, which expression of opinion he repeated at any tendency to genuflexion on the part of the clergyman during the service, until the little girl turned round and gazed at him with large concerned eyes, as if she thought he must be either very devout or extremely unwell.

Lightowler; 'quite 'ad to press him to step in and do the garden up a bit. You and your gander! Mabel had already escaped; Mark remained trying to persuade his uncle to come away before the matter ceased to be farcical. 'I shall take this matter up, sir! I shall take it up! said Mr. Humpage, in a white rage; 'and I don't think it will do you credit as a churchwarden, let me tell you!

Humpage; 'it's no sight for you; run away. 'Then Frisk mustn't look either; come away, Frisk, and Dolly vanished again. When she had gone, the old gentleman said, with a dangerous smile that showed all his teeth, 'Now, Mr. Lightowler, I think I'm indebted to you for the abominable treatment of this bird?

When the waiter had reckoned up the sum in the time-honoured manner and departed, Uncle Solomon turned and began to struggle into his great-coat. 'Let me help you, said Mark, but Mr. Lightowler indignantly jerked himself away. 'I don't want to be helped into my coat by you, he said; 'you've helped me into my grave by what you've done this day, you have; let that be sufficient for you!

I'm a reformed character; I'll take the pledge to abstain from ink in all forms if you like. It was not a very gracious way of accepting what was by no means an unhandsome offer; but he was jarred and worried, and scarcely knew what he said. Mr. Lightowler was not sensitive, and was too satisfied at having gained his object to cavil at Mark's manner of yielding.

Lightowler brought up sharply opposite the end of an inclined covered staircase, which seemed to spring out of nothing and lead nowhere, where they left the dog-cart in charge of a flyman and went up to the platform.

'Binny fetched me a hansom with a wobbling old animal in it that ran down like a top when we'd got half-way; and of course the main road was up for the last mile however, I've just done it. Come along, Holroyd, I've got a carriage. And the three men went off together, leaving Mr. Lightowler behind in a decidedly huffy frame of mind. 'Good-bye, Mark, said Vincent affectionately before he got in.

'Very well, just as you please. I only meant to be neighbourly but it don't signify. I can keep myself to myself as well as other parties, I daresay. 'Then have the goodness to do it, Mr. Lightowler. Mabel, the train is due now. Get your wraps and things and come along.

Lightowler evidently had made up his mind to be as offensive as possible. 'Afternoon, Mr. 'Umpage, he began; 'I think I've 'ad the pleasure of seeing this bird of yours before; he's good enough to come in odd times and assist my gardener; you'll excuse me for making the remark, however, but when he's like this I think he ought to be kep' indoors.