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But when I heard those women at the meetin' house goin' on about how pretty 'Licia Atkins was got up and how mean and shabby Bos'n looked, it made me bile. And, by the big dipper, I WILL show 'em somethin' afore I get through, too! Only, dressin' little girls is some off my usual course. Bailey, does Ketury make her own duds?" "Why, no!

"'Licia, be satisfied with that, and scoot to bed." "Nothing of the sort. We're going to make fudge to celebrate! I told you I had my chafing-dish; don't you girls feel fudgy?" "I could nibble a morsel," Bernice said, "and not half try. How about you, Dot?" "I'm right there with bells on!" "Isn't it too late?" objected Dolly.

"Now, 'Licia," and Dotty laughed, "you know the man said he could only give us ten minutes of his time, and he gave us more than a half hour. I don't think we've any reason to complain." "Well, I do! It was a perfect fizzle, the whole thing! I'm utterly disgusted! Matinee idol! Pooh, he's just an every-day man!"

But my decision, which I have made, is not entirely based on worthiness, or even on desirability. And I'll tell you frankly, had I tried to choose my favourite between Bernie and 'Licia, I should have had a hard time! For I have come to love both girls very dearly, and would have not the slightest objection to adopting them both." "And us two also?" asked Dotty, mischievously.

Incidental mention may be also made of a 'dialogue betwixt two sea nymphs, Doris and Galatea, concerning Polyphemus, briefly translated out of Lucian, by Giles Fletcher the elder, in his Licia of 1593; and a version of 'The First Eidillion of Moschus describing Love, in Barnabe Barnes' Parthenophil and Parthenophe, which probably appeared the same year.

The lande, whiche now is called Turcquie: hath on Theaste Armenia the more, and ronneth endelong to the Sea of the Cilicians: hauyng on the Northe, the Sea named Euxinus. There are in it many countries conteined. As Lichaonia, whose heade citie is Iconium. Cappadocia with her heade citie, named Cesarea. Isauria, whiche hath for the chief citie Seleucia. Licia, whiche now is called Briquia.

Geordie excused himself and went off to the telephone booth. "You seem to have a lot of secrets, too, Dolly," said Alicia. "Yes, I have," and Dolly looked demure. "Can't let you have all the fun, 'Licia." "Nothing doing," Geordie reported to Dolly, as he came back, and his face looked more serious.

And now, tell me, did you like the play?" "Did we LIKE it!" exclaimed the volatile Alicia, "we're just crazy over it. Why, the chief actor " "Now, 'Licia," protested Dolly, "if you're going to begin raving over that man again!" "Well, I am!" declared Alicia. "I just can't help it!" Nor did she seem able to curb her enthusiasm, for after the girls went to their rooms, she kept on extolling Mr.

"Then Uncle will be cast down and upset all the rest of the time we're here." "Well, I can't help that. What do you suppose, Bernice, he asked us here for, anyway?" "You ask me that a hundred dozen times a day, 'Licia! I tell you I don't know, but I think it was only a whim. You know how queer he is. He forgets we're in this house from one evening to the next.

Dolly agreed, but Alicia didn't seem quite willing. "I'm expecting a telephone message," she said, at last. "You girls go on, and leave me at home. I shan't mind." "Oh, no," said Dotty, "we four can't be together after to-day. We mustn't be separated this last day of all. Come on, 'Licia." "But it's an important message," and Alicia looked anxious. "Can I be of help?" said Mrs.