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You must break with them, Brott, once and for ever. And the time is now." Brott held out his hand across the table. No one but this one man could have read the struggle in his face. "You are right, Grahame. I thank you. I thank you as much for what you have left unsaid as for what you have said. I was a fool to think of compromising. Letheringham is a nerveless leader.

The King will never send for me unless he is compelled." His visitor, an ex-Cabinet Minister, a pronounced Radical and a lifelong friend of Brott's, shrugged his shoulders. "That time," he said, "is very close at hand. He will send for Letheringham first, of course, and great pressure will be brought to bear upon him to form a ministry. But without you he will be helpless.

Suppose it finds me out?" "Hedley, you are talking rubbish," Brott said. "Up here you would see things with different eyes. Letheringham is pledged." "If any man ever earned hell," Hedley continued, "it is you, Brott, you who came to us a deliverer, and turned out to be a lying prophet. 'Hell," he repeated fiercely, "and may you find it swiftly." The man's right hand came out of his long pocket.

"I am better out of the way for the present," he answered. "Deny me to everybody for an hour, especially Letheringham. There is nothing here, I suppose, which cannot wait so long as that?" The secretary looked a little doubtful. "I think not, sir," he decided. "Very good. Go and get something to eat. You look fagged. And tell Hyson to bring up some liqueurs, will you!

She has let me understand that they are a bar between us. And it is a horrible confession, Grahame, but I believe that I was wavering. This invitation from Letheringham seemed such a wonderful opportunity for compromise." "This must never go out of the room," Grahame said hoarsely. "It would ruin your popularity. They would never trust you again." "I shall tell no one else," Brott said.

Jewish burial-ground, 49. Keith, Scotland, 89. Kent, tramps in, 35. Kentish gravestones, peculiar, 22. Keston, 64. Kilbar, Barra, 101. Killaghie, 82. Killarney, 78, 82. Kingsdown, 22. Kingston-on-Thames, 76, 77. Kirke White, 75. Lambourn, 47. Laufen, Zurich, 91, 92. Lee, Kent, 22, 38. Letheringham, Suffolk, 55. Lewes, Sussex, 4, 5. Lewisham, 17, 26. Limerick, Bishop of, 100.

"But I can assure you," she said, "that I was very near success. Only on Monday he had virtually made up his mind to abandon the extreme party and cast in his lot with Letheringham. What has happened to change him I do not know." The Prince curled his fair moustache. "It is a pity," he said, "that he changed his mind. For one thing is very certain. The Duke and I are agreed upon it.

He has not the confidence of the people." "Without me," Brott repeated slowly. "You think then that I should not accept office with Letheringham?" His visitor regarded him steadily for a moment, open-mouthed, obviously taken aback. "Brott, are you in your right senses?" he asked incredulously. "Do you know what you are saying?" Brott laughed a little nervously.

I must decline to join Letheringham, in which case the King must send for me, or accept office with him, and throw away the one great chance of this generation. Letheringham's Cabinet, of course, would be a moderate Liberal one, a paragon of milk and water in effectiveness. If I go in alone we make history. The moment of issue has come.

It is a great step gained." Lucille, who was looking pale and nervous, regarded him with anxiety. "A step! But it is everything. If these rumours are true, he refuses the attempt to form a Cabinet. He takes a subordinate position under Letheringham. Every paper this morning says that if this is so his political career is over. It is true, is it not?" "It is a great gain," the Prince said slowly.