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Two rocks on the precipice separate the cataract into three divisions. Below is a semi-circular basin, whose waters are lashed into a heavy sea by the plunging torrent which falls into it. Boats ply between the foot of the rock on which the Castle of Laufen stands and a square tower on the opposite shore. These light craft make heavy weather of it, but with ordinary caution they are safe enough.

Summed it up thus: Wir weissen nichts: wir essen nichts: immer laufen, laufen, laufen. In bright sunshine we pushed on towards Gandeln. On the way we had a bit of lunch, and I left a pipe behind.

There was one part of the river, near Laufen, where the current was very strong and waterfally, broken by ledges of rock. Below these it rested in long, smooth reaches, much beloved by the grayling. There was no difficulty in getting two or three of them out of each run. The grayling has a quaint beauty. His appearance is aesthetic, like a fish in a pre-raphaelite picture.

You had better think of your " the governor put his hand to his throat significantly. "Qu'enferons nous? He does not appear very dangerous." "Let him go," Sipiagin said in an undertone, and added in German, "Lass' den Lumpen laufen!" He imagined for some reason that he was quoting from Goethe's Gotz von Berlichingen. "You can go, sir!" the governor said aloud. "We do not require you any longer.

Jewish burial-ground, 49. Keith, Scotland, 89. Kent, tramps in, 35. Kentish gravestones, peculiar, 22. Keston, 64. Kilbar, Barra, 101. Killaghie, 82. Killarney, 78, 82. Kingsdown, 22. Kingston-on-Thames, 76, 77. Kirke White, 75. Lambourn, 47. Laufen, Zurich, 91, 92. Lee, Kent, 22, 38. Letheringham, Suffolk, 55. Lewes, Sussex, 4, 5. Lewisham, 17, 26. Limerick, Bishop of, 100.

On Monday morning the tourists crossed the bridge, and hastened to the garden of the Castle of Laufen, where were platforms, stagings and kiosks, for the convenience of visitors, which afford the best views of the cataract. One of these balconies projects out over the fall, and the party gathered on this, and beclouded with mist and spray, gazed at the wild rush of waters.

Mafferton in his resentment of foreigners in Continental hotels; as he said, one expected them to do their travelling in England. There were the "Laufen" foaming down the valley under the dining room windows, there were the Swiss waitresses in short petticoats and velvet bodices and white chemisettes, and at the dinner table, sitting precisely opposite, there were the Malts. Mr. Malt, Mrs.

Her moonlight scenes, some of her portraits, and her picture of the "Falls of the Rhine near Laufen," are admirable. <b>PREUSCHEN, HERMINE VON SCHMIDT</b>; married name, Telman. Born at Darmstadt, 1857. Pupil of Ferdinand Keller in Karlsruhe. Travelled in Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Denmark.

We returned from Mertoun after breakfast through an incipient snowstorm, coming on partially, and in great flakes, the sun bursting at intervals through the clouds. At last Die Wolken laufen zusammen. We made a slow journey of it through the swollen river and heavy roads, but here we are at last. I am rather sorry we expect friends to-day, though these friends be the good Fergusons.