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The words would have seemed to her pert. "I am told he is clever," resumed Harley. "Oh, certainly." "And he is rather handsome. But I like Leonard's face better." "Better that is not the word. Leonard's face is as that of one who has gazed so often upon Heaven; and Mr. Leslie's there is neither sunlight nor starlight reflected there."

And had he been Harley's son, would not Harley have guessed it at once, and so guessing, have owned and claimed him? Besides, Lord L'Estrange looked so young, old enough to be Leonard's father! he could not entertain the idea. He roused himself and said, falteringly, "You told me you did not know by what name I should call my father." "And I told you the truth, to the best of my belief."

Of course Otter and Juanna, being divine, were not allowed to indulge in such recreations. They were gods and must live up to their reputation. For one day Otter endured it; on the second, in spite of Leonard's warnings, he sought refuge in the society of the bridge Saga.

Upon the whole, therefore, he judged it prudent to call at Saint Leonard's just so frequently as old acquaintance and neighbourhood seemed to authorise, and no oftener. There was another person who was more regular in his visits. When Davie Deans intimated to the Laird of Dumbiedikes his purpose of "quitting wi' the land and house at Woodend," the Laird stared and said nothing.

The day after that, when they were busy talking, Trip dug the provisions up, and, before they noticed, he ate up Pony's bread-and-butter and was gnawing Jim Leonard's ham-bone. They cuffed his ears, but they could not make him give it up, and Jim Leonard said: "Well, let him have it. It's all spoilt now, anyway. But I'll tell you what, Pony we've got to do something with that dog.

They had pent in his agony of apprehension till then, that no wail of her child might disturb her ineffable calm. But now there was a cry heard through the house, of one refusing to be comforted: "Mother! Mother!" But Ruth lay dead. The End A stupor of grief succeeded to Leonard's passionate cries.

Assuredly, there is no place within easy reach of London to be once mentioned with Hastings. Of course we kept clear of the more fashionable and commonplace St. Leonard's End, where yet the sea is the same, a sea such that, not even off Cornwall, have I seen so many varieties of ocean-aspect.

It quite escaped my memory and is not worth mentioning," he cried, hiding his astonishment beneath the affectation of a magnanimity which scorned even to remember such trifles. Oh, if the countess had been able to see him at that moment, how she would have laughed! Every drop of Leonard's blood seemed to turn to gall.

Then he broke out angrily: 'You have taken my letter! 'I know the answer to that question, said Harold slowly. 'You showed me the letter yourself, and insisted on my reading it. Leonard's heart began to quail. He seemed to have an instinctive dread of what was coming. Harold went on calmly and remorselessly: 'Did a proposal of marriage pass between you?

May had little heart for making a sight of them, except so far as to judge of Leonard's situation; and he was passively conducted across a gravelled court, turfed in the centre, and containing a few flower-beds, fenced in by Portland's most natural productions, zamias and ammonites, together with a few stone coffins, which had once inclosed corpses of soldiers of the Roman garrison.