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Updated: August 6, 2024

Enter Barnavelt, Modesbargen, Leidenberch, Grotius Bredero, Vandort & Hogerbeets. Will. Your good and great example tyes us all, Sir. Cap. The Councell's broken up. Or.

I like it. Lords. We are all of your opinion. Or. Bring in Leidenberch. Enter Leidenberch, Boy, Guard. Boy. Doe all theis, father, wayt on you? Leid. Yes, Boy. Boy. Indeed I doe not like their Countenaunces; They looke as if they meant you litle good. Pray you, put them away. Leid. Alas, poore inocent, It is for thee I suffer; for my self I have set up my rest. Or.

Now, Barnavelt, thou treadst the subtlest path, The hardest and the thorniest, most concernes thee, That ere thy carefull course of life run through: The Master peece is now a foot, which if it speed And take but that sure hold I ayme it at, I make no doubt but once more, like a Comet, To shine out faire and blaze prodigiously Even to the ruyn of those men that hate me. Enter Leidenberch.

Bar. Am I becom a generall game? a Rest For every Slave to pull at? Thanck ye still: You are growne the noblest in your favours, gentlemen. What's that hangs there? what Coffin? Lord. How it stirrs him. 2 Lord. The body, Sir, of Leidenberch the Traitour. Bar. The traitour? 2 Lord.

Tush, Leidenberch: thinck what thou art to doe; Not to play Niobe weeping ore her Children, Unles that Barnavelt appeere againe And chide thy dull-cold nature. Sleepe on, sweet Child, the whilst thy wreatched father Prepares him to the yron sleepe of death.

I must beleeve and suffer whatsoever Your Lordships charge me with: yet would gladly heare What my faultes are. Vand. Read the Confessions Of Leidenberch and Taurinus. Bar. Leidenberch! Officer reads. Secondly, Change and alter the Religion, and to that end, without the Consent of the Generall States, had raysed up and dispeirsed 3000 Arminian Soldiers. Thirdly, To degrade the Prince of Orange.

Prov. Roome for the Prisoner! Provost and Guard, with Barnavelt. Or. The world shall know that what's iust we dare doe. Vand. Nor shall the desperate act of Leidenberch Delude what we determind. Let his Coffin Be therefore hangd up on the publique Gallowes. Th'Executioners like hungry vultures Have smelld out their imployment. Or.

Your lordships true friend and most obedient Servant. Van. Come to the present busines then. Or. We attend you. Actus Secundus. Enter Barnavelt, Leidenberch, Modesbargen. Bar. I have with danger venturd thus far to you That you might know by me our plot's discoverd.

In the meane time wee'll use all honest meanes To sound the depth of this Confederacie, In which Heaven's hand direct us and assist us. Enter 2 Captaines. 1 Cap. This is a strange cutting time. 2 Cap. Let 'em cutt deep enough, They will doe no great cure els. I wonder strangely They carry such a gentle hand on Leidenberch That any frends come to him. 1 Cap.

What now I speake Againe ile speake alowd; let who will tell it, I never will fly from it. Hog. What you purpose I will not fly from. Gro. Back you then to Leyden, Ile keep at Roterdam: there if he fetch me Ile nere repent whatever can fall on me. Enter Leidenberch & Boy. Boy. Leid. No, my Boy, not yet. Boy. 'Tis late and I grow sleepie. Leid. Goe to bed then, For I must wryte, my Childe. Boy.

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