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Updated: October 10, 2024
What now I speake Againe ile speake alowd; let who will tell it, I never will fly from it. Hog. What you purpose I will not fly from. Gro. Back you then to Leyden, Ile keep at Roterdam: there if he fetch me Ile nere repent whatever can fall on me. Enter Leidenberch & Boy. Boy. Leid. No, my Boy, not yet. Boy. 'Tis late and I grow sleepie. Leid. Goe to bed then, For I must wryte, my Childe. Boy.
And when he saw the enimies now at hand, he commanded that euerie man with one generall voice should answer him, crieng alowd the same crie that he should begin. Manie of them for hast were drowned in a riuer which they had to passe. Polydor taketh that riuer to be Trent.
"Well, sir, and has she not got it now? Has she spent it in a week?" Deuceace sunk down in a chair; and I never see such a dreadful picture of despair as there was in the face of that retchid man! he writhed, and nasht his teeth, he tore open his coat, and wriggled madly the stump of his left hand, until, fairly beat, he threw it over his livid pale face, and sinking backwards, fairly wept alowd.
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