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The Leeba seemed to come from the N. and by W., or N.N.W.; so, having an old Portuguese map, which pointed out the Coanza as rising from the middle of the continent in 9 Deg. This was the logical deduction; but, as is the case with many a plausible theory, one of the premises was decidedly defective. The Coanza, as we afterward found, does not come from any where near the centre of the country.

On the 11th of November, 1853, the doctor, accompanied by twenty-seven Makalolos, left Linyanti, and on the 27th of December he reached the mouth of the Leeba. This watercourse was ascended as far as the territory of the Balondas, there where it receives the Makonda, which comes from the east. It was the first time that a white man penetrated into this region.

I had three muskets for my people, a rifle and double-barreled smooth-bore for myself; and, having seen such great abundance of game in my visit to the Leeba, I imagined that I could easily supply the wants of my party.

Message to Masiko, the Barotse Chief, regarding the Captives Navigation of the Leeambye Capabilities of this District The Leeba Flowers and Bees Buffalo-hunt Field for a Botanist Young Alligators; their savage Nature Suspicion of the Balonda Sekelenke's Present A Man and his two Wives Hunters Message from Manenko, a female Chief Mambari Traders A Dream Sheakondo and his People Teeth-filing Desire for Butter Interview with Nyamoana, another female Chief Court Etiquette Hair versus Wool Increase of Superstition Arrival of Manenko; her Appearance and Husband Mode of Salutation Anklets Embassy, with a Present from Masiko Roast Beef Manioc Magic Lantern Manenko an accomplished Scold: compels us to wait Unsuccessful Zebra-hunt.

Probably this lake is the watershed between the Zambesi and the Nile, as Lake Dilolo is that between the Leeba and Kasai. But, however this may be, the phenomena of the rainy season show that it is not necessary to assume the existence of high snowy mountains until we get reliable information.

Point of Junction of Nariele 15 15 43 . . . Aug. 29 Branch with the Main Stream. Kabompo, near the Leeba. 12 37 35 22 47 0 |1854, Jan. 1| |1855, July 3| . 3 Village about 2' N.W. 12 6 6 22 57 0 1854, Feb. 1 of the Leeba after leaving Kabompo town: the hill Peeri, or Piri, bearing S.S.E., distant about 6'. Village of Soana Molopo, 11 49 22 22 42 0 Feb. 7 3' from Lokalueje River.

Pitsane and Mohorisi, having concocted the project of a Makololo village on the banks of the Leeba, as an approach to the white man's market, spoke to Chebende, as an influential man, on the subject, but he cautiously avoided expressing an opinion.

Another incident, which occurred at the confluence of the Leeba and Leeambye, may be mentioned here, as showing a more vivid perception of the existence of spiritual beings, and greater proneness to worship than among the Bechuanas.

The arm-pit was the only safe spot for carrying the watch, for there it was preserved from rains above and waters below. The men on foot crossed these gullies holding up their burdens at arms' length. The Lokalueje winds from northeast to southwest into the Leeba. The country adjacent to its banks is extremely fine and fertile, with here and there patches of forest or clumps of magnificent trees.

As the Leeba seemed still to come from the direction in which we wished to go, I was desirous of proceeding farther up with the canoes; but Nyamoana was anxious that we should allow her people to conduct us to her brother Shinte; and when I explained the advantage of water-carriage, she represented that her brother did not live near the river, and, moreover, there was a cataract in front, over which it would be difficult to convey the canoes.