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He asked various questions concerning her "leddyship's" appearance at the police-court, as to which tidings had already reached Ayrshire, and pretended to be greatly shocked at the loss of the diamonds. "When they talk o' ten thoosand poond, that's a lee, nae doobt?" asked Andy. "No lie at all, I believe," said Greystock. "And her leddyship wad tak' aboot wi' her ten thoosand poond in a box?"

And the player quean and her cummer hae possession o' the house, and guide a' things their ain gait, wae's me! Gin I suld hear onything anent your leddyship's puir negro folk, I will mak' haste to let your leddyship ken. Auld Cuthbert begs permission to send his duty and his prayers for your leddyship's happiness.

Few hae been brought farther ben, and ye grudge your son suld gie me a day's service in the field?" "Na, my leddy na, my leddy, it's no that," exclaimed Mause, greatly embarrassed, "but ane canna serve twa maisters; and, if the truth maun e'en come out, there's Ane abune whase commands I maun obey before your leddyship's.

Gowran had informed her that he had bought a rick of hay from a neighbour for £75 15s. 9d. "God forgie me," said Andy, "but I b'lieve I've been o'er hard on the puir man in your leddyship's service." £75 15s. 9d. did seem a great deal of money to pay; and could it be necessary that she should buy a whole rick? There were to be eight horses in the stable.

"Ou, aye, your leddyship; just the Honorable Kenneth Dugald, puir lad!" "Why do you say poor lad?" "I beg your leddyship's pardon. I mean just naething. It's on'y just a way I ha'." Claudia reflected a moment; and then, though it went sorely against her pride so to speak to a dependent, she said: "Mrs.

I married the creature and brought her to this castle, which she has dishonored. And here, me leddy, he gave the poleeceman an exaggerated account of the finding of Frisbie in your leddyship's room. And then he rang the bell, and sent for the player bodie and her friend, who cam' in and confeermed a' that he tauld the poleeceman.